[Originally posted on my Multiply site, June 11, 2007]
I was with my cell group leader, Jesse, two Saturdays ago and we were talking about the Kingdom of God and how it is so filled with paradoxes, like 'losing to gain', 'dying to live', 'giving to receive', and 'being humble to be exalted'. It made me think even deeper about my faith in God and my walk in the Kingdom.
God's wisdom is unfathomable and His ways are incomprehensible to the finite human mind.
To man, being strong is being independent and being able to do things on our own. To God, strength is found in admitting weakness and total dependence on Him and relying on Him to enable us to all things through Him.
To man, the accomplishments of the proud exalts him. To God, the humble in heart, the broken in spirit gets exalted and inherit the earth.
To man, giving up something they want the most is foolishness, never letting go of something they could never keep. To God, surrendering to Him your most precious desires to seek His will first is wise, never losing what was meant to be yours in the first place.
I am just beginning to understand how the system of the kingdom works. It is exciting. It is disorienting. It is humbling and, sometimes, it hurts. It is something that the mind has to be taught to accept as reality. Easier said than done. [I know this for a fact!]
God's kingdom is a kingdom of paradoxes. Paradoxes that baffle the human mind and perplex the human heart. It takes a broken spirit to sense and understand the principles of the kingdom. It takes a contrite heart to submit to the will of the King.
I was with my cell group leader, Jesse, two Saturdays ago and we were talking about the Kingdom of God and how it is so filled with paradoxes, like 'losing to gain', 'dying to live', 'giving to receive', and 'being humble to be exalted'. It made me think even deeper about my faith in God and my walk in the Kingdom.
God's wisdom is unfathomable and His ways are incomprehensible to the finite human mind.
To man, being strong is being independent and being able to do things on our own. To God, strength is found in admitting weakness and total dependence on Him and relying on Him to enable us to all things through Him.
To man, the accomplishments of the proud exalts him. To God, the humble in heart, the broken in spirit gets exalted and inherit the earth.
To man, giving up something they want the most is foolishness, never letting go of something they could never keep. To God, surrendering to Him your most precious desires to seek His will first is wise, never losing what was meant to be yours in the first place.
I am just beginning to understand how the system of the kingdom works. It is exciting. It is disorienting. It is humbling and, sometimes, it hurts. It is something that the mind has to be taught to accept as reality. Easier said than done. [I know this for a fact!]
God's kingdom is a kingdom of paradoxes. Paradoxes that baffle the human mind and perplex the human heart. It takes a broken spirit to sense and understand the principles of the kingdom. It takes a contrite heart to submit to the will of the King.
To God, strength is found in admitting weakness and total dependence on Him and relying on Him to enable us to all things through Him.
God just used these words to speak to me tonight in the midst of current discouragement & feelings of inadequacy for what He seems to be calling me to. He spoke to me through your words in such a way that tears started to come! So, I wanted to thank you for letting God use you to encourage in ways you might not even realize! Thank you! :)
I am also thankful to God that He used this blog to be a blessing.
Dependence on God is one of the things I am learning right now with the help of the Holy Spirit.
Thank you for letting me know how the Lord used this blog in your life. You've encouraged me in return by doing so.
God bless you. =o)
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