When the shadows grow long and the answers are grey
When all you prayed for seems to go away
Do not fix eyes on the visible or ears to the audible
Do not jettison hope, have faith in the impossible
Broken wings can mend if you just give them time
Broken dreams are pieces of the strength you need to fly
Keep your heart humble and your spirit tender to touch
Keep the little you have, in time it will become much
Press on, continue to seek the One who holds your life
Press in until you fall face first before the light
Till shadows disappear sooner than you thought
Till the battle is won which you never fought
Lay it all down, the load, the burden you carry
Lay it at His feet, for His yoke is not heavy
Stop the struggle; trust His hand, His promise
Stop doubting His plans; you can go beyond this
Just believe
Just believe
Just believe
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