+ "I am praying that you sing a new song. Do not stop singing until you get to the end of your song. The enemy tries to stop your song from coming to the end. He brings circumstances and discouragement to get you out of your place so you cannot hear the completion of the song."
[This is a revelation of my current circumstances]
+ "I decree that you will not fall short, but will have new energy, stamina and strength to press through for the extra mile... I decree that we will hit the mark."
[New bread for the now to reach the next level]
+ "We are entering the calendar year 2008, and the Lord has shown me this will be a year of 'New Gates', and we will enter these new gates with thanksgiving."
[This is a confirmation of the changing of seasons]
+ "Thankful hearts know their 'position in God' through Jesus Christ as Lord, and are very thankful for that."
[Confirmation of a previous word to trust God and be humble]
+ "King David appointed Levites to lead in prayer, thanksgiving and praise."
[Revelation of my calling as a Levite.]
+ "True worship of God comes forth from grateful hearts. Feelings such as bitterness, envy, hostility and pride disqualify one from genuine worship. Thanksgiving opens up the door of the heart toward God in such a way that the individual is freed for true worship of God."
[Encouragement for me to continue walking in the path of thanksgiving]
[read the full text of the prophecy here]
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"Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. " Philippians 3:13-14
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