[for the "Circle of Prophets"]
Let us run the race together
This time is set before us
Our feet are ready for better
To join the mighty chorus
Of pilgrims and warriors straining
To gain the glorious prize
To lay hold of Him who’s worth it
The beauty of my Christ
We fall – sure – but we get up
Stand on our feet again
We dust ourselves off forcefully
We press on and contend
This race, this running battle
May weary out our souls
But new strength always finds us
The Lord always restores
I help you with your burden
You help me carry mine
For when we lend a helping hand
His love in us will shine
Preferring one another
As Christ preferred the lost
We can give more of ourselves
For we now know the cost
Let’s speak life to the dry bones
Let us encourage all
Who need to hear the war cry
And hear the Master’s call
We’ll speak life to this nation
With words of faith and love
Let us persist and call on Him
To come down from above
So run with me my brothers
This purpose that He’s set
For us to be His prophets
Forerunners for the rest
Until the destined time comes
When we can finally see
The life restored and Kingdom come
And everyone set free
Run with me
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