Friday, November 20, 2009

Harvest Time. Payback Time.

The Church is entering into a new season. Many are about to experience great restoration and harvest in their lives.

John 10:10 declares, The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows). Amplified Version

It may feel like the enemy has come in like a thief and tried to rob, steal, kill and destroy. But I have a word from the Lord for you: THE THIEF HAS BEEN FOUND OUT!

But if he is found out, he must restore seven times [what he stole]; he must give the whole substance of his house [if necessary – to meet his fine].Proverbs 6:31, Amplified Version

Once you have discernment on where and how the enemy has been stealing from you, you can rise up and use the authority God has given you as a Believer.

When it has been discovered that the thief has stolen something, he must not only return what he stole, but he must give back seven times as much. Not only that, he must give his whole house away if necessary to pay back the fines he owes. The devil has a lot of fines to pay! Not only does he have to give back seven times what he stole from you, but we are plundering his entire house!

If he has tried to put depression and heaviness on you, get ready for seven-fold "joy." If he has tried to put sickness on you, get ready for seven-fold "health." If he has tried to put debt and lack on you, get ready for seven-fold "prosperity and provision." If he has tried to put fear and anxiety on you, get ready for seven-fold "faith." If he has tried to put bondage and addiction on you, get ready for seven-fold "freedom."


God is a God of the second chance! He is about to restore to you the years that the locust has eaten. Some suffering is unjust. However, some of our suffering is the result of bad choices we have made. Some of you today are experiencing a negative harvest in your life because of bad seeds that have been sown. When we make sinful choices we are sowing negative seeds in our lives that will ultimately bring a bad harvest.

However we serve a God of the second and third and fourth chance! If you will decide to begin to sow good seeds in your life today, your harvest will begin to transform. God is in the restoring business and the Body is about to experience some glorious restoration in many areas of their lives. We cannot always get back lost opportunities, but God is able to restore the years that were lost to you and cause the glory on your latter house to be greater than your former.

Here's the word of the Lord for you in this new season:

Joel 2:23-26, Be glad then, you children of Zion, and rejoice in the Lord, your God; for He gives you the former or early rain in just measure and in righteousness, and He causes to come down for you the rain, the former rain and the latter rain, as before. And the [threshing] floors shall be full of grain and the vats shall overflow with juice [of the grape] and oil.

And I will restore or replace for you the years that the locust has eaten—the hopping locust, the stripping locust, and the crawling locust, My great army which I sent among you. And you shall eat in plenty and be satisfied and praise the name of the Lord, your God, Who has dealt wondrously with you. And My people shall never be put to shame. Amplified Version

It's harvest time. Your threshing floors will be full of wheat and there will be an overflow of wine and oil in your life. Wheat and grain always speak of harvest and the wine and oil speak of the overflow and abundance of the anointing of the Holy Spirit in your life. Years that were lost during past seasons of wilderness wanderings are about to come back to you and be replaced with harvest and blessing. Some of you will even experience an extension of your lives as lost years are restored!


Heavenly Father, I humble myself and repent for any bad choices I have made over the years. I ask that You would bring full restoration into my life and restore my lost years. May the glory on my latter house be greater than my former. I command everything that was taken from me and everything that was stolen from me to be restored in Jesus name. I command the thief to repay seven times what he stole. In Jesus name I command every fine to be paid and I empty the storehouse of the thief! I command the thief to restore seven times everything that he has ever taken from me, in Jesus name.

Father, I thank You for the abundant harvest and fresh anointing that is coming my way! In Jesus name. Amen.

Matt Sorger
Matt Sorger Ministries


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

10 Keys to No Limits

Dear Heavens Shifters:

Take your limits off of yourself! This is a time of enlargement and fulfillment. Your testings have produced new boundaries of authority in your life. Break old judgments that you have levied against yourself and others. See yourself and describe yourself the way God sees and describes you. You are fearfully and wonderfully made! Yes, times have been difficult, but in the midst of your testings the Lord has done a great work in you. You are not the same this season as you were last season.

Resist legalistic tactics that prevent you from worshipping in a new way. Robert Heidler says this: "We must learn to discern between the wheat of grace and the tares of legalism. They look alike. They grow together. Grace is based in faith working through love. Legalism is based in fear and control which are workings of witchcraft. Religion and legalism will morph together to form witchcraft. Legalism 'bewitches' people into believing that after beginning by grace they can advance through legalism."

Receive the Word of the Lord and Plant It In the Heavens

Resist the old. Do not agree with the lack of freedom that is attempting to stop your gift from working. Submit your gift and be disciplined. Let the Lord prepare you for this season of great change. Things are changing around us so rapidly. The reason changes are accelerating in the earth and the societal structures that we know is because the heavens are changing. Many never understand that there are seasons when the Lord changes the heavens. The heavens are changing and the earth must reflect the changes of Heaven. As we receive the Word of the Lord and plant it in the heavens, they will change according to the Word of the Lord. As the heavens change, then the earth will change.

Here are some key Scriptures for meditation:

Isaiah 51:6, 11, 15-16: "Lift up your eyes to the heavens, and look upon the earth beneath; for the heavens shall be dissolved and vanish away like smoke, and the earth shall wax old like a garment, and they that dwell therein shall die in like manner [like gnats]. But My salvation shall be forever, and My rightness and justice [and faithfully fulfilled promise] shall not be abolished.

[The Lord God says] And the redeemed of the Lord shall return and come with singing to Zion; everlasting joy shall be upon their heads. They shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.

…For I am the Lord your God, who stirs up the sea so that its waves roar and who by rebuke restrains it—the Lord of hosts is His name. And I have put My words in your mouth and have covered you with the shadow of My hand, that I may fix the [new] heavens as a tabernacle and lay the foundations of a [new] earth and say to Zion, You are My people." (Amplified Version)

See also Matthew 24:35, Hebrews 1:11, 2 Peter 3:10, Revelation 7:17 and 21:1,4, Isaiah 65:17 and 66:22, Revelation 21:1.

Ten Key Revelatory War Points

In this season you must rehearse the Word! We must meditate on what God says until the power of that revelation enters our bloodstream and cell structure. We must learn to worship and minister in our homes. This is allowing our gifts to be activated in new ways in small groups. When the time comes that we are not free, we will already know how to continue in our homes. Take the points below and use them to speak into your life and the environment around you.

Linda Heidler is a Scribe in God's House. She tries to capture the revelation that is coming forth each time we meet for corporate prayer, discuss in meetings what the Lord is saying from Heaven, and when someone is prophesying. We then "watch" with this revelation. You do war with the prophetic word God gives you. Now, we will attempt to encapsulate 10 Points to help you war.

Here are TEN KEY REVELATORY WAR POINTS for you to decree into your atmosphere:

1. In the season of "AYIN or "The Eye", when God opens your eyes to the demonic realm in a greater dimension, we must see beyond the dark structure that we have discerned and view into the realm of God. The Lord is showing you the demonic so you will know what is resisting you or that which will attempt to block or discourage you. When you see these foes, do not be overwhelmed. Remember Elijah saw the "word and the demon gods" that Jezebel was aligned with and ran from his position of authority (1 Kings 19:1-2). This postponed the Lord's plan to change the government of Israel.

2. The Spirit of God is giving you the prophetic revelation you need before you need it. Be alert to LOOK AGAIN at what He has already said to you in the past seasons. He will now refresh His voice so you can gain the revelation you need now and see a manifestation of His grace and promise in your life.

3. Like on a train, God has released engineering and conducting angels. The Spirit of God wants many things engineered (as in construction) and conducted (as in electricity) in this season. We are entering into a new 16-year Building Season. The apostolic leaders that are being raised up today will be downloading Heaven's building plan for His Kingdom projects. Invite these angels as messengers to bring God's plans.

4. God will be sending some of His people into dark structures. Do not fear the darkness. He will give you "night vision" to see a path of righteousness through any unrighteous structure. This will be like moving in the Gulf Stream through the normal ocean currents. The Gulf Stream is a warm stream that originates in the Gulf of Mexico, goes through the Florida Straits and into the colder waters of the Atlantic Ocean. The demon forces will part like the Red Sea and will be held back while God's children go into their new assignments. Look at all GIANTS as your food.

5. We must go up to the source of the river. Just do not be looking at "jumping in the river" this season, but go to the source where the river is beginning. Go to the high places. Topple old thrones of iniquity, follow the river down, and break all dammed structures. Find your supply sources that have been held up in the last season. God is opening our eyes to see those in need and is filling our mouths with the word that will bring them past the plan of the enemy.

6. There is a shout rising from us that will cause God to meet us with His shout. He will open the fountains of the deep to release the revelation for how to enlarge our tents and walk forward in this season. There is a shout deep in your belly where the "springs of living waters" exist. Play skillfully with this shout as it rises and flows from your mouth (Psalm 33).

7. There is a new drink bubbling up within us that will expel bitterness, pain and sorrow.

8. God will open our eyes to things we could not see in the last season so that He can activate the vision within us and finish what He has begun in us. He is Alpha and Omega. Alpha will show you what needs to be finished. Omega will show you how to walk things to the end.

9. God is making our minds new. The crowns you received in the last season need to be cast at His feet. Those crowns were meant to be given to our Lord and not worn into this season. He is fitting us and giving us new crowns to present to Him. He is putting new turbans on our heads and developing a new mindset for a new season. Read Zechariah 3.

10. You will see Babylon arise in a new way. Do not fear. The kingdoms of the world are becoming His. This happens by us being sent like Daniel to be the greatest influencers in the Babylon system.


Chuck D. Pierce
Glory of Zion International Ministries

Walk in the Spirit of Understanding

Keith Miller
I believe God is releasing both a Spirit of understanding and wisdom from some of our past visitations and impartations and bringing new impartation. I'm in the place where I don't just want to know God's prophetic word; I want to walk it out! With Him are wisdom and strength, He has counsel and understanding (Proverbs 8:14).

Isaiah 11:2 says the Spirit of the Lord came upon Him, and the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord. And the kind of understanding God is talking about is a river of understanding, not just a small stream.

Do you want to build your life according to Heaven's blueprint? Do you want to be a wise master builder? "Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths" (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Do you want the Lord to burn up the wood, hay, and stubble of your life so you can offer Him the pure silver and gold? I don't want to trust in my own understanding, I want the Lord to direct my paths. From this day on, say, I'm going to press in. I want wisdom and understanding for my life. I don't want to operate in a measure, but an increase from glory to glory.

This Spirit of understanding comes in many forms. In Exodus 35:34, you'll find that the Spirit of wisdom and understanding will give you that ability to teach. Remember, it's not you, but Him. The best teaching flows out of the anointing—that way it won't dull the ears because it won't be powerless, it'll be powerful!

God wants to open up a river of understanding of the things that He has spoken to you for your ministry, for your family, for all areas of your life. I know that you have something burning in you, but you can't articulate it. God will impart the Spirit of understanding to you and bring understanding of the words and visions He has already placed inside of you! The words that have been spoken by God into your life are being imparted to your inner man.

The Spirit of Understanding Gives Clarity and Boldness

The Spirit of understanding gives clarity. Colossians 1:9 says, "For this reason we also, from the day we heard of it, have not ceased to pray and make [special] request for you, [asking] that you may be filled with the full (deep and clear) knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom [in comprehensive insight into the ways and purposes of God] and in understanding and discernment of spiritual things." (AMP)

Paul didn't say, Get more information! He said, I'm going to pray for you to receive knowledge, wisdom and understanding. He said, I do not cease to pray for you, to ask that you may be filled. I want to walk in spiritual understanding, to walk out what the Lord has spoken to me. God is bringing forth the Spirit of understanding, filling us with the knowledge of His will. all wisdom and spiritual understanding; that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.—Colossians 1:9b-10

It's not fumbling and hoping, it is God. It's authority and confidence. The disciples, in the Book of Acts, said they wanted to know God's predetermined will before the foundations of the earth so that they could speak with boldness. They didn't want to just speak the word; they wanted to know what they were talking about! The word boldness is confidence!

When We Walk in the Spirit of Understanding, We Please God and Become Fruitful in Every Good Work

When we walk in the Spirit of understanding, we walk fully pleasing the Lord, being fruitful in every good work because we are not walking in our own understanding—we're walking in His understanding, and it releases authority! And wherever you're from and whatever you do, God wants to remove all limitations and do something through your life that demonstrates His power!

We need the Spirit of understanding, don't we?

When God imparts understanding it comes to your inner man. Ephesians 1:18 says it causes the eyes of your understanding to be illuminated. You know what that means? Awakened, understanding, the hope of your call, and your inheritance. It causes a confidence and a holy boldness. Isaiah 32:15-17 says when the Holy Spirit is poured out from on high, you dwell in that quiet assurance.

A few years ago I was in a meeting, and as I watched the speaker I thought he was one of the most arrogant persons I'd ever heard. And all of a sudden I heard the Lord say, "You call that pride? I call it confidence, and what you've been calling humility has been a stench to my nostrils."

God wants us to operate in boldness and confidence! We are plugged right into the best Connection; we are getting our information from the best possible Source! We are receiving understanding from the One who can just speak a word and change the whole world. That should give us confidence. If God is for us, who can be against us?

It's Time for Us to Become the Light on the Hill that Raises Up a Standard

This new season you are going into, you are not going in blind. God is going to give you the Spirit of understanding with strategies and clarity. The Spirit of understanding, it breaks off fear! Jesus operated in both the Spirit of understanding and the Spirit of wisdom. Even as a 12-year-old boy He had more understanding and wisdom than the learned Pharisees and Sadducees. When they heard Him, they marveled at His understanding. His understanding greatly exceeded theirs. He was blowing their minds.

It is time for us to become the light on the hill that raises up a standard. It's not by our ability but by being connected into the Spirit of understanding. It is through understanding that authority is released. Don't you want to get plugged in like that? You can!

Happy is the man who finds wisdom, and the man who gains understanding!—Proverbs 3:13

Keith Miller
Stand Firm World Ministries


We Breathe Again

Prophesied on October 16, 2009, in Philadelphia, Mississippi:

Kim Clement

The Spirit of the Lord says, "Hear the word of the Lord: Throughout this nation a spirit of divination has rested upon My people. The spirit of divination, which is a python that suffocates, this force has suffocated you and strangled you.

And the Spirit of God says, "Tonight the strangulation, the suffocation has been dealt with by My word. I'm giving you back your breath, I'm giving you back your energy; I'm going to fill your houses with delightful delicacies from the house of the Lord."

For the Spirit of God says, "Men have complained and they have come to Me, and they have acted unwisely with their money and with their finance. And the enemy has come in and he's got close to you, and this familiar spirit has come and suffocated—has suffocated and taken the very breath and life away from My people. Enough!" says the Lord. "You are coming out of a season of suffocation. You are coming out of a season of suffocation."

The Spirit of God says, "I have taken the python. This python is a spirit, it does not bite; it gets close to its prey by the sense of dust and chemicals in the air. There has been too much dust, which speaks of flesh. And this python has come close to My people and it has begun forces of suffocation. Your energy has been lifted, your faith has been suffocated, your finances have been suffocated, but," God said, "some have recognized it. I have brought this beast to a place where it is now no longer able to suffocate. The beast has become My feast!" says the Spirit of God.

"I'm Going to Revive You in a Way that You've Never Seen or Felt Before"

"Do not think this strange, for the courts have come to a conclusion and a decision. The Courts of Heaven have watched the people as they have suffered suffocation. Your breath has been taken away, but," God says, "you have survived, and because you have survived I will release you. I will bring signs and wonders back into My house," says the Lord.

"Great revivals have been suffocated. Great movements that I sent have been suffocated. Men have suffocated as this familiar spirit has taken them away from family and friends." God says, "Families have suffocated. The suffocation has caused men to say, 'We give up.'"

God said, "Do not fear, for I am breathing on the land that has been plowed by praise. I am breathing upon the land that seems dry, and my breath is going to revive you in a way that you've never seen before or felt before," says the Lord!

Kim Clement
Prophetic Image Expressions

Monday, November 2, 2009

Song of the Season: Hold On

by Tye Tribbett & G.A.

Every little things gonna be alright
Weeping can only last one night
You gotta endure till' the morning sun
You're gonna win the race but you have to run
Trouble can never last always
It looks like I can see a brighter day
My brother if you can jus hold on
The Lord's gonna make a way I know
Every little thing is gonna be alright

The God that we serve is Lord of all
Of the big as well as the small
And yes He's in love with everyone
No matter how many times we fall
Every detail that entails your life
He's already worked it out
I know that life gets rough sometimes
But trust and never doubt

Yes He sees sometimes you cry
In the room when your by yourself
And when the kids need money just to bust a grub
He sees nobody is there to help
Even though sometimes you feel like giving up
And throwing in the towel
Daddy's brought you out many times before
why should it be any different now

All of my needs he will supply
He knows the plans he has for my life
He's El Shadai He's more than enough
He's in control [That's how I know]
Every little thing's gonna be alright

I know it seems that the Lord forgot
About all that your going through
The doctor said that there may be something wrong
On top of that all yuor bills are due
And the kids are growing up so fast
They think that they are grown
The job is talking bout' laying you off
Can't make it on your own

Well allow me to take the time right now
To echo the word of Christ
Matthew six verse twety five
Take no thought for your life
So you might as well look to the hills
Cause your help is on the way
Rejoice in the Lord and be glad
This is the day the Lord has made



Song of the Season: Stand Out

by Tye Tribbett & G.A.

It's about to go down. The battle has begun.
It's time for you to choose, whose side you gonna be on.
The devil is recruiting, temptin' every man.
But he's already defeated, all we have to do is stand.
No time for mixing light with the darkness.
Be black or be white, no more shades of gray.
Be separated, be holy, no matter what you do, don't bow.
And even if you stand alone, stand anyhow.

Rise up people, put on your strength.
There's a war going on and we will win.
Stand up and fight, let the kingdom prevail.
With power and might, we will stand out.
Stand out!
[Stand out!]
Be not conformed to this world.
[Stand out!]
Be transformed, renew your mind.
[Stand out!]
Just like the three Hebrew boys,
[Stand out!]

God is playin' it cool, don't wanna rub nobody the wrong way.
Almost like we're trying to fit in. Acting like we don't know the name.
It's time for us to stand out and go against the grain.
Forget tryin' to be down, let the world know you've been changed.
How you gonna be the praise leader? But you listen to R & B?
And hip-hop is on your ringtone. I'm try to tell you God ain't pleased.
And since when did it become cool for you to live together unmarried?
Men with men? Women with women? I'm tellin you God ain't gon' have it.


It's time to recognize.
The war it's in disguise.
No time for compromise.
Wake up open your eyes.
[together:] The devil is a LIE!
You must be hot or cold.
You can't blend in the crowd.
It's time for God's people to...