Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Complete Ruler in Christ

[for “Complete Ruler Who Abounds in Joy”]

You are a complete ruler because your have great happiness
This comes from knowing God, whose desire is to bless
You are a complete ruler because you have a cheerful disposition
And because you know He's the One who gives the vision

You are a complete ruler because you find it important to be joyful in the Lord always
This comes from knowing that His joy is your strength in all ways
You are a complete ruler because you parents find joy and pleasure in you
And that they wish you a happy life and see a treasure in you

You are a complete ruler because you have Christ within
This comes from knowing that in Him, you win
You are a complete ruler because you sit and rule with Him in heavenly places
And that throughout your life you know how great His grace is

You are a complete ruler because, as your name prophesies, you are rich in joy
This comes from knowing that His Kingdom is yours to enjoy
You are a complete ruler because God has given you everything you need for life and godliness
And because you know that you have the power remove doubt, fear and loneliness

You are a complete ruler because you lack no good thing in Christ
That comes from knowing you are precious in His sight
You are a complete ruler because in Him you live, move, and have your being
And because you know this is true and your spirit is agreeing

You are a complete ruler because you seek Him with all your heart
This comes from knowing that humility is always a good place to start
You are a complete ruler because you are loved by the Father
Arise now in His love, for you know this is the hour

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