The LORD said to me, "You have seen correctly, for I am watching to see that My word is fulfilled."—Jeremiah 1:12 (NIV)
Dear Believers,
When the Lord revealed to Jeremiah his future and his time to shift into a new season, Jeremiah could not see it at first. God was prophetically calling him forth as a prophet and Jeremiah could only focus on his weaknesses. Isn't that like us—especially whenever we can't see? I love God's persistence with Jeremiah. No matter what excuses Jeremiah gave God concerning his calling and his new season, God continued to speak to Jeremiah's potential. Maybe you can relate to my recent experiences. God has been speaking to me about advancement and I've been very consumed with excuses. My excuse is, "It's too hard! I can't move forward. My past season was too difficult. How can I possibly move forward into a new season? Sure, I want a new season, but promise me first it will be easier!"
For this commandment which I command you this day is not too difficult for you...—Deuteronomy 30:11 (AMP)
But the word is very near you, in your mouth and in your mind and in your heart, so that you can do it.—Deuteronomy 30:14 (AMP)
God is Going to Touch Our Mouths
The Lord had to touch Jeremiah's mouth so that he had a good confession concerning his future.
Then the LORD put forth His hand, and touched my mouth. And the LORD said unto me, "Behold, I have put My words in thy mouth."—Jeremiah 1:9 (KJV)
To move forward into our new season will require that we develop faith for more of His grace. God is imparting grace to whatever weakness we believe that we have which keeps us from moving forward. Jeremiah told God that his weakness was not being one of eloquent speech. Jeremiah did not believe he was mature enough or eloquent enough to speak for God. Therefore, by touching Jeremiah's weak area, God imparted a divine grace which overrode Jeremiah's weakness. Believers, God is doing the same for us so that we can fully shift into our next season!
Dear ones, God believes in us and He is promising that if we will have faith in His divine empowerment, He will provide what is needed for us to fulfill our future.
Being Overshadowed
The LORD said to me, "You have seen correctly, for I am watching to see that My word is fulfilled."—Jeremiah 1:12 (NIV)
The word watch in this passage is the Hebrew word shaqad, which means "to be alert, keep watch of and be wakeful over." The same word for watch is the same Hebrew word used for "almond blossoms." After the Lord put His words in Jeremiah's mouth, He asked Him once more, "What do you see?" Finally, Jeremiah did not answer with another excuse (or infer to God "It's too difficult"), but said, "I see an almond branch budding" (see Jeremiah 1:11). There is tremendous significance in this passage. Let's read it more thoroughly together, and please pay attention to Jeremiah's shift in an ability to see his future. Remember now, before this passage Jeremiah could only focus on his weaknesses.
Then the LORD reached out His hand and touched my mouth and said to me, "Now, I have put My words in your mouth. See, today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant."
The word of the LORD came to me: "What do you see, Jeremiah?"
"I see the branch of an almond tree," I replied.
The LORD said to me, "You have seen correctly, for I am watching to see that My word is fulfilled."—Jeremiah 1:9-12 (NIV)
Jeremiah's Shift
Finally, Jeremiah saw what God saw! After imparting grace to his weakness, Jeremiah was able to see his future. Beloved, if we receive His grace, our eyes will also be open to see what God sees concerning our ability.
Interestingly, Jeremiah was able to see "the branch of an almond tree." Remember, the word used for almond tree is the same Hebrew word, shaqad, which is also the word used for "watching." Shaqad is further translated to imply "the awakening one." The almond tree had blossom cups that are shaped like almonds and are the first to bud forth in its new season. One might say that the almond tree "awakens" to its new season.
Jeremiah was "awakened" to his new season. He received grace to fulfill his divine calling and then was awakened to his future. To become "awakened" means to open our eyes and see. Beloved, receive fresh grace and become awakened to your new season. There is faith being imparted from Heaven for you to fulfill your destiny.
When the Lord promises to watch over your promises, He is also committing to "protect" what He has promised. This means He will go to war for you and guard your potential. He promises to give His angels charge over us to protect us and keep us from harm. Just as He provided for Israel a cloud by day and fire by night, He will do the same for us as He leads, guides and protects us.
See Your Future!
Beloved, it's time to see your future. You can fulfill your divine destiny. In my book Destiny Thieves: Defeat Seducing Spirits and Achieve Your Purpose in God (available through The Elijah List), I devote the entire book to discussing our ability to conceive our future and fulfill divine potential. In this particular book, I expose the seductions of the enemy and how he attempts to abort our future. One of the evil spirits that steals destiny is the Amalekite spirit. It not only aborts destiny, but also targets leaders and those who are called to hold up their arms. This book will empower you to see your future and possess it!
Allow me to pray for you to receive God's grace to see: Lord, I lift up each reader to You and ask that You touch each area in which they feel weak. I declare, "Let the weak say I am strong!" I thank You for imparting supernatural grace that will overcome fear, doubt, loss of vision, physical infirmity and generational strongholds as well as lies and the seductions of satan.Lord, empower us as You did Jeremiah. Jeremiah was empowered to see His future and shift into a new season. Lord, I declare the old season is past and that each reader is shifting into a fresh new season. I declare that we are victorious because of the Blood of the Lamb. We apply the Blood of Jesus to our minds, mouths and our hearts. Thank You for renewed minds, hearts ablaze for You and a positive confession. In Jesus' name! Amen.
Now, dear Believer: Shift!
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T error.... He fights for You! Hallelujah!
In His Service,
Sandie Freed
Zion Ministries
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