This is such a key time for us as we transition from Passover to Pentecost. Sivan is recognized as a month of receiving your boundaries, and is when the Israelites received the 10 Commandments. We also celebrate the outpouring of the Holy Spirit during this month—the gift and promise that Jesus instructed the disciples to wait for. This is a time of giving and anticipation, and a month of great rejoicing.
You Are on the Verge of Breaking Through!
"Even in this past week you have been struggling and the enemy has tried to discourage you over the vision and the warfare that has been circling around you. You are on the verge of breaking through that warfare and into a new joy movement. This will cause that which has been plugged up to let go. You will break through and instead of being discouraged and instead of not knowing who you are in the situation you're in, this wind of joy will raise you up above your enemy. Abide in Me. Abide in Me. The enemy has been causing you to lose your stance. But I am bringing a word down upon you. This word will cause your root to go deep. This word will make you flexible. When this adverse wind that has been blowing makes you think you will break, like a tree you will bend and you will rise up stronger in this next season.
"Don't fear the same things you are fearing right now. I am not blocked by the same things that are blocking you. In the favor that I am giving and bringing upon you now, you will begin to be raised with your head above the fellows around you. The waters won't overtake you. The fires won't burn you. You will raise your head up and you will say, 'I see the way that those with me are to go. Put a new leadership mantle on me that I may walk in this way.'
"You've been concerned with things higher than I've asked you to be concerned with. The legalities around you have tried to quench out My flame. Concerns of the world have attempted to stop Me from burning in you. Your light and your lamp are on the verge of going out.
"Now I will cause that first love in you to come alive. From this first love you will shine and those things around you will begin to melt. You will worship Me in a way you've not worshipped Me. Those things that have been too high for you to overcome will become lower in your midst. They will become a stair step to your next place. So get ready, for My love is beginning to burn now in you.
"The darkness around you, that darkness that tried to stop you, is now becoming the steps and the ladder for your next vision. Yes, I know you came today with warfare in your heart saying, 'I've got to have some sort of breakthrough.' But as you rejoice and as you worship and as you feel the wind that will cause you to shift and as you feel the finger that will light the lamp within you, you will cause the darkness around you to turn because the light within in you will dispel this darkness."
You Must Cry Out For Mercy!
"Not until My people cried out when Egypt was trying to overcome them could I hear their determination to move forward. This released Me to come to their aid. Now there's a cry in the place where you've been halted. That cry is causing that which has been around your ankle to be untied. That cry that is coming up to Me will cause the snare around your foot of progress to let go of you. There's a sound rising up in My people and I am hearing this sound. Where you have been halted between two opinions, the cry will clarify your thoughts.
"This is a season that I am calling some of My people to begin to cry out for mercy and others for blessing. This is a season that many of you must cry out for My mercy, for it is a kindness that I will extend to you. Though you have needed My forgiveness, and though you have needed for Me to intervene on your behalf, you have not cried out for My mercy. So this is a season that you will cry for mercy. For some of you it is the season to cry out for your blessing for you know that you have traveled in My direction. You have done what I have called you to do, so I am about to stamp My approval on that which you have done in the past season. So some of you will cry for mercy and some of you will cry for blessing but cry, cry, cry, cry, cry.
"When you cry out, I will light you like a match in the darkness. You will begin to burn with the truth. You will begin to burn with My answers. You will begin to burn and light up the darkness. The sound of mercy is greater than that of justice. The sound of mercy is greater than that of judgment. You've been contending over being right, but I say to you when you cry out mercy, I will send the light. So cry out with mercy and watch Me light your way for the cry of mercy will be as in the days when the blind cried out when I was on the road. That cry gave them sight. Cry now and receive the vision you need. 'Ho, come to the waters for what I have for you is free. You've been trying to work and buy your way into what you have need of. But I say ho, come to the waters and you'll step into freedom that will make you free and cause you to receive what I have for you today.
"I hear many that are crying. There is a need of My love. Their hearts, in their woundings, only can be filled by Me. No relationship can fill this place. No amount of finance can fill this place. But the release of My mercy is a filling force that causes them to arise. If you will receive this filling force you will have both creative ability and forming ability. So I say to you now in your lack of creative power and in your ability to form the plan that I have caused you to form that is not coming to completion, cry now and watch Me bring a filling power within you that cannot only form, but can create what needs to be created for your success."
Come and Look Deep
"If your eyes and My eyes become one you can see what I see. I can show you one line of a contract that is wrong. I can show you one ad that you missed. I can cause others to see you. I can show you how to reconcile quickly with your adversaries and move even into a greater purpose than you've seen. I can cause you to look into the depths of hearts and see their intentions.
"Come to the waters, for there is a reflection in the pool that you've not seen. Come and look deep and watch that reflection change and ripple and flow. That reflection is the vision you've been longing to see. But I must see the vision through you. So come to the waters. Come to the pool. Look deep and see again in a way you've not seen."
Prophetic Song from LeAnn Squier and Sarah Vaughn:
I feel my first love is burning.
I see the darkness is turning.
It knows my first love is burning.
I see the darkness is turning.
Come and drink at the water's edge.
Come and drink, come and take a drink at the water's edge.
Come down deeper now.
Take a cool drink of My Word.
Let it wash over you.
Let it wash through you.
Let it wash over you.
Refreshing waters flowing through my soul.
Come and take a drink.
Look into His redemption.
His eyes are a deep pool of grace you can never exhaust.
You can never undo.
You can never erase.
So look to Him.
He is the source.
Why should we drink downstream?
Why should we look downstream?
He is your source.
He is your wellspring.
Why should you drink downstream when you can kneel at the fountain?
Look to Him.
Look into His eyes of purity.
Into His eyes of holy fire.
Go to the source.
Chuck D. Pierce
Glory of Zion International Ministries
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