Even in the smallest, most minute way known to man, God speaks. If you pay attention to the subtleties of His communication, you will get what He is saying.
Then there are also none subtle ways that God speaks. But even that still requires focus and determination to hear something from your Creator.
To the best that I can, I always start the day with the Word of God and talking to God. I want to hear what my Father has to say about life, about today and so on. It doesn't take hours, mind you. My morning devotional is a prep for my full day's worth of devotional time to the Lord.
For the past few days He's been speaking. And I have been listening. Here are some of the things He had to say:
Then there are also none subtle ways that God speaks. But even that still requires focus and determination to hear something from your Creator.
To the best that I can, I always start the day with the Word of God and talking to God. I want to hear what my Father has to say about life, about today and so on. It doesn't take hours, mind you. My morning devotional is a prep for my full day's worth of devotional time to the Lord.
For the past few days He's been speaking. And I have been listening. Here are some of the things He had to say:
"Sow in tears. Reap in joy."
"Let your light shine!"
"Endure hardship as discipline."
Today, He spoke to me about putting feelings aside and letting faith prevail. Sometimes there are things that God asks us to do that we don't really feel like doing. But as citizens of His Kingdom, your choice is just either to obey or disobey. It's a simple as that. And the Lord told me that even when I don't feel like doing what He asks me to do, I must still submit to His will and purposes and do it!
The Bible warns us about hearing His voice and not heeding it [Hebrews 3:15]. We really need to open our spiritual ears and take a listen to what God saying. Because He does still speak to us. He hasn't stopped communicating with His creation. He's still in the business of conversing with us. He's just waiting for us to take notice.
God is speaking to you. If you listen, you will hear.
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