He kept pointing me back to Matthew 22:37-38 where Jesus says, "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment."
Josiah (one of the guys in the group) pointed out that one cannot pursue intimacy without love. He was right. If the love of many has grown cold, then the fire of intimacy cannot burn ablaze. How can any relationship mature and deepen if the foundation of unconditional love is absent?
Love is so essential to everything we do for God. Everything we do for God should be an overflow of our love for Him. Our love for Him should propel us toward a more intimate relationship with our Creator.
This was the focal point of last Saturday’s cell group meeting – our love for God has to be kept the main thing. The fires of intimacy has to be constantly fueled with our affections and decision to love God. After all, our relationship with God should be the main course, not a side dish.
Henry Blackaby in the book Experiencing God put it this way: if our love relationship with God isn’t right, nothing else in our life will be right.
So, if we are in a status quo of coldness or of being lukewarm before God, we can always break out of that and fan the flames of our love relationship with the Almighty. Let us oppose complacency and nonchalance. That’s not the nature of God’s love. His love is progressive and active. We should be, too.
Let our love for God be our protest.
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