You have a lot of unusual gifts. Unusual gifts. Like you have gifts that are very varied. Very, very varied. Like you know the expression “jack of all trades and master of none”? You are actually called to be master of all trades. I know it doesn’t seem like that now, but if I was gonna chart you on a map, you would be all over the place. Your interests, your hobbies, they’re all over the place. It’s like you’re also super extreme for the Lord, like you’re kind of like you could go where He goes and you’re so hungry it drives you to all these really extreme places. He’s seen that.
You’re the type that would jump in the offering bin. You have a missions calling but you’re gonna do evangelism in a different way. It’s not just in working with the poor. It’s through really awesome outreach.
You’re really, I feel like you’re really close to your mom. You’re like the apple of her eye. She’s like your best friend. You always get advice from her. But I feel like because you trust your mom so much, God wants you to also go to Him, you know what I mean? Where you hear from Him. Because you talk to your mom about everything and you rely on her to hear for you.
You’re kind of in a limbo season. You’re in transition. But He’s only giving you one stepping stone at a time and it’s really frustrating to you. You feel like, “God, I need the big picture”, and He’s only showing you a stepping stone.
I see you in concert halls. You kind of follow, like Christian fads, like the latest, greatest, hottest movements. You’re like front row and then you move to the next one and the next one and the next one. And that’s great but God wants to ground you more in Him, not in a movement. Not in a trend or a fad, because you’re so passionate like you could love anything. Whatever you love you give your self to unabashedly.
The future is a bit of an idol for you. It’s like “what am I gonna do? What am I gonna do?” And it’s not that you’re not hearing, but it’s a matter of faith. What God has for is something you have not considered. You’re asking like practical things, but what He wants you haven’t even considered. That’s why you’re upset because it’s out there.
You’re a man of faith.
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