Wednesday, November 4, 2009

10 Keys to No Limits

Dear Heavens Shifters:

Take your limits off of yourself! This is a time of enlargement and fulfillment. Your testings have produced new boundaries of authority in your life. Break old judgments that you have levied against yourself and others. See yourself and describe yourself the way God sees and describes you. You are fearfully and wonderfully made! Yes, times have been difficult, but in the midst of your testings the Lord has done a great work in you. You are not the same this season as you were last season.

Resist legalistic tactics that prevent you from worshipping in a new way. Robert Heidler says this: "We must learn to discern between the wheat of grace and the tares of legalism. They look alike. They grow together. Grace is based in faith working through love. Legalism is based in fear and control which are workings of witchcraft. Religion and legalism will morph together to form witchcraft. Legalism 'bewitches' people into believing that after beginning by grace they can advance through legalism."

Receive the Word of the Lord and Plant It In the Heavens

Resist the old. Do not agree with the lack of freedom that is attempting to stop your gift from working. Submit your gift and be disciplined. Let the Lord prepare you for this season of great change. Things are changing around us so rapidly. The reason changes are accelerating in the earth and the societal structures that we know is because the heavens are changing. Many never understand that there are seasons when the Lord changes the heavens. The heavens are changing and the earth must reflect the changes of Heaven. As we receive the Word of the Lord and plant it in the heavens, they will change according to the Word of the Lord. As the heavens change, then the earth will change.

Here are some key Scriptures for meditation:

Isaiah 51:6, 11, 15-16: "Lift up your eyes to the heavens, and look upon the earth beneath; for the heavens shall be dissolved and vanish away like smoke, and the earth shall wax old like a garment, and they that dwell therein shall die in like manner [like gnats]. But My salvation shall be forever, and My rightness and justice [and faithfully fulfilled promise] shall not be abolished.

[The Lord God says] And the redeemed of the Lord shall return and come with singing to Zion; everlasting joy shall be upon their heads. They shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.

…For I am the Lord your God, who stirs up the sea so that its waves roar and who by rebuke restrains it—the Lord of hosts is His name. And I have put My words in your mouth and have covered you with the shadow of My hand, that I may fix the [new] heavens as a tabernacle and lay the foundations of a [new] earth and say to Zion, You are My people." (Amplified Version)

See also Matthew 24:35, Hebrews 1:11, 2 Peter 3:10, Revelation 7:17 and 21:1,4, Isaiah 65:17 and 66:22, Revelation 21:1.

Ten Key Revelatory War Points

In this season you must rehearse the Word! We must meditate on what God says until the power of that revelation enters our bloodstream and cell structure. We must learn to worship and minister in our homes. This is allowing our gifts to be activated in new ways in small groups. When the time comes that we are not free, we will already know how to continue in our homes. Take the points below and use them to speak into your life and the environment around you.

Linda Heidler is a Scribe in God's House. She tries to capture the revelation that is coming forth each time we meet for corporate prayer, discuss in meetings what the Lord is saying from Heaven, and when someone is prophesying. We then "watch" with this revelation. You do war with the prophetic word God gives you. Now, we will attempt to encapsulate 10 Points to help you war.

Here are TEN KEY REVELATORY WAR POINTS for you to decree into your atmosphere:

1. In the season of "AYIN or "The Eye", when God opens your eyes to the demonic realm in a greater dimension, we must see beyond the dark structure that we have discerned and view into the realm of God. The Lord is showing you the demonic so you will know what is resisting you or that which will attempt to block or discourage you. When you see these foes, do not be overwhelmed. Remember Elijah saw the "word and the demon gods" that Jezebel was aligned with and ran from his position of authority (1 Kings 19:1-2). This postponed the Lord's plan to change the government of Israel.

2. The Spirit of God is giving you the prophetic revelation you need before you need it. Be alert to LOOK AGAIN at what He has already said to you in the past seasons. He will now refresh His voice so you can gain the revelation you need now and see a manifestation of His grace and promise in your life.

3. Like on a train, God has released engineering and conducting angels. The Spirit of God wants many things engineered (as in construction) and conducted (as in electricity) in this season. We are entering into a new 16-year Building Season. The apostolic leaders that are being raised up today will be downloading Heaven's building plan for His Kingdom projects. Invite these angels as messengers to bring God's plans.

4. God will be sending some of His people into dark structures. Do not fear the darkness. He will give you "night vision" to see a path of righteousness through any unrighteous structure. This will be like moving in the Gulf Stream through the normal ocean currents. The Gulf Stream is a warm stream that originates in the Gulf of Mexico, goes through the Florida Straits and into the colder waters of the Atlantic Ocean. The demon forces will part like the Red Sea and will be held back while God's children go into their new assignments. Look at all GIANTS as your food.

5. We must go up to the source of the river. Just do not be looking at "jumping in the river" this season, but go to the source where the river is beginning. Go to the high places. Topple old thrones of iniquity, follow the river down, and break all dammed structures. Find your supply sources that have been held up in the last season. God is opening our eyes to see those in need and is filling our mouths with the word that will bring them past the plan of the enemy.

6. There is a shout rising from us that will cause God to meet us with His shout. He will open the fountains of the deep to release the revelation for how to enlarge our tents and walk forward in this season. There is a shout deep in your belly where the "springs of living waters" exist. Play skillfully with this shout as it rises and flows from your mouth (Psalm 33).

7. There is a new drink bubbling up within us that will expel bitterness, pain and sorrow.

8. God will open our eyes to things we could not see in the last season so that He can activate the vision within us and finish what He has begun in us. He is Alpha and Omega. Alpha will show you what needs to be finished. Omega will show you how to walk things to the end.

9. God is making our minds new. The crowns you received in the last season need to be cast at His feet. Those crowns were meant to be given to our Lord and not worn into this season. He is fitting us and giving us new crowns to present to Him. He is putting new turbans on our heads and developing a new mindset for a new season. Read Zechariah 3.

10. You will see Babylon arise in a new way. Do not fear. The kingdoms of the world are becoming His. This happens by us being sent like Daniel to be the greatest influencers in the Babylon system.


Chuck D. Pierce
Glory of Zion International Ministries

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