- Jesus is the second Adam but He was able to tend the “garden” without failure
- JBD mentioned the difference between “foreknowledge” and “pre-destination”
-----> Jesus “knew” Judas but He still loved him
- Jesus received ALL authority and He commanded us to GO
- Jesus used that authority and He took dominion…
-----> over His flesh [Mark 1:12-13]
-----> over temptation and the devil [Mark 1:12-13]
~~~~~~~~~> Jesus did not believe the lies of the devil
~~~~~~~~~> the devil tempts us with things that God already gave us
-----> over unclean spirits [Mark 1:23-27]
-----> over sickness and diseases [Mark 1:29-33]
-----> over leprosy [Mark 1:41]
-----> over sin by releasing forgiveness [Mark 2:1-5]
-----> over legalism [Mark 2:28]
-----> over the elements (wind, waves) [Mark 4:39]
-----> over death [Mark 5:41]
-----> in producing after His own kind [Mark 6:7-13]
-----> over poverty and lack [Mark 6:37]
+ cooperate with whatever you have left. He will multiply it
-----> over the laws of science [Mark 6:48]
-----> over deafness and blindness [Mark 7]
ADTT Lesson on the Dominion Mandate, part 2 As taught by Pastor Gertrudes C. Hinampas To Batch A3 of the Apostolic Discipleship Training Track November 12, 2008
- Matthew 28:16-20, the Great Commission
-----> Jesus gave instructions
-----> He reminded and assured His disciples of His presence
-----> He commissioned them to GO to ALL the NATIONS to…
~~~~~~~~~> Make disciples – teach, train, equip and disciple
~~~~~~~~~> Baptize them
~~~~~~~~~> Teach obedience to His commands
- A parallel account of the Great Commission is in Mark 16:14-18, where Jesus says…
-----> Signs will accompany His disciples. They will
~~~~~~~~~> Drive out demons
~~~~~~~~~> Speak in new tongues
~~~~~~~~~> Pick up snakes and drink poison without being harmed
~~~~~~~~~> Lay hands on the sick and they will be healed
- We are to step out in faith and take dominion over the things around us
- Jesus promised the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. Acts 1:8 and fulfilled in Acts 2:1-6
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