Tuesday, October 6, 2009

ADTT Lesson on the Dominion Mandate

ADTT Lesson on the Dominion Mandate As taught by Pastor Joseph B. DiSarno To Batch A3 of the Apostolic Discipleship Training Track November 5, 2008

- Jesus is the second Adam but He was able to tend the “garden” without failure

- JBD mentioned the difference between “foreknowledge” and “pre-destination”
-----> Jesus “knew” Judas but He still loved him

- Jesus received ALL authority and He commanded us to GO

- Jesus used that authority and He took dominion…
-----> over His flesh [Mark 1:12-13]
-----> over temptation and the devil [Mark 1:12-13]
~~~~~~~~~> Jesus did not believe the lies of the devil
~~~~~~~~~> the devil tempts us with things that God already gave us
-----> over unclean spirits [Mark 1:23-27]
-----> over sickness and diseases [Mark 1:29-33]
-----> over leprosy [Mark 1:41]
-----> over sin by releasing forgiveness [Mark 2:1-5]
-----> over legalism [Mark 2:28]
-----> over the elements (wind, waves) [Mark 4:39]
-----> over death [Mark 5:41]
-----> in producing after His own kind [Mark 6:7-13]
-----> over poverty and lack [Mark 6:37]
+ cooperate with whatever you have left. He will multiply it
-----> over the laws of science [Mark 6:48]
-----> over deafness and blindness [Mark 7]

ADTT Lesson on the Dominion Mandate, part 2 As taught by Pastor Gertrudes C. Hinampas To Batch A3 of the Apostolic Discipleship Training Track November 12, 2008

- Matthew 28:16-20, the Great Commission
-----> Jesus gave instructions
-----> He reminded and assured His disciples of His presence
-----> He commissioned them to GO to ALL the NATIONS to…
~~~~~~~~~> Make disciples – teach, train, equip and disciple
~~~~~~~~~> Baptize them
~~~~~~~~~> Teach obedience to His commands

- A parallel account of the Great Commission is in Mark 16:14-18, where Jesus says…
-----> Signs will accompany His disciples. They will
~~~~~~~~~> Drive out demons
~~~~~~~~~> Speak in new tongues
~~~~~~~~~> Pick up snakes and drink poison without being harmed
~~~~~~~~~> Lay hands on the sick and they will be healed

- We are to step out in faith and take dominion over the things around us

- Jesus promised the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. Acts 1:8 and fulfilled in Acts 2:1-6

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