Friday, October 30, 2009

Time to Move With God

from the Elijah List website

Obviously, there is no passage of Scripture that says this precisely, but it was a symbolic representation of God's desire to release escalating measures of increase for the coming days. The passage that I was reading was from Numbers 10. Admittedly, Numbers was not a book that has been on my radar in recent days. I have focused much of my attention on Revelation, Daniel, Zechariah and the Gospel of John. Therefore it was a seemingly random and obscure passage for me to read at the time, yet I knew the dream was from the Lord.

As a result, I determined not to tell anyone the specific passage that I was given so when the confirmation came I could have complete confidence that it was from the Lord. The following week I participated in a conference in Knoxville, Tennessee, that included Bob Jones. I thought perhaps the Lord would activate Bob's revelatory gifting and speak to me from Numbers 10. However, by the time I left the conference no mention was made of this passage.

I then flew directly from Knoxville to Dallas, Texas, to participate in a Rosh Hashanah conference with Chuck Pierce and Glory of Zion ministries. I was quite excited to be a part of this gathering and felt a certain sense of appreciation to the Holy Spirit for His quick fulfillment of a prophetic word the Lord directed me to give Chuck the year before. It was a revelatory experience involving a huge white tent and the release of the healing anointing comparable to that demonstrated during the tent revivals of the 50s.

This was the first tent meeting they had conducted on property they purchased outside of Denton, Texas. When I arrived the tent was exactly as I had seen in the experience the year before. I still carried in my heart a desire to understand the implications of Numbers 10, but admittedly was not focused on it when the service began that evening.

To my amazement, following worship, Chuck brought forward two individuals with silver trumpets to inaugurate the Feast of Trumpets and the beginning of Rosh Hashanah. This of course is taken from Numbers 10:1-3 and the declaration given to Israel for the purpose of calling a holy assembly and alerting the people for times of movement.

Make yourself two trumpets of silver, of hammered work you shall make them; and you shall use them for summoning the congregation and for having the camps set out. When both are blown, all the congregation shall gather themselves to you at the doorway of the tent of meeting.

I was even more amazed when Chuck declared that he was going to do a brief teaching from Numbers 10 as a prophetic announcement for the services and the coming season in God. There was my confirmation!

Moving With God

Numbers 10 is a chapter devoted to the preparation of God's people to move with the cloud of His Presence into a place of promise. Very specific and meticulous instruction was given to Moses when the time came for the cloud to move to another location. Clearly, from this prophetic insight, the Body of Christ is being called to a holy assembly and preparing to follow the movement of His Presence. The cloud is moving!

The specific verse that I was reading in my dream that was translated "increase, increase, increase, increase, increase" was actually Numbers 10:28 saying, "This was the order of march of the sons of Israel by their armies as they set out."

My interpretation of this passage as it relates to the coming increase is derived from our necessity to follow God's meticulous order outlined by His Spirit. The Lord has a prescribed way that He desires for us to align ourselves with Him in order for His blessings of favor and grace to accompany us, resulting in progressive measures of increase. Much of that order can be found in Isaiah 66:1-2 saying:

Thus says the LORD, "Heaven is My throne and the earth is My footstool. Where then is a house you could build for Me? And where is a place that I may rest? For My hand made all these things, thus all these things came into being," declares the LORD. "But to this one I will look, to him who is humble and contrite of spirit, and who trembles at My word.

Three things will help align us with God for the coming days:

1. The Spirit of Humility
2. A Broken and Contrite Heart

3. Trembling in Reverence and Awe at God's Word
(Rhema and Logos)

Praise, Times and Seasons, Habitation

The Lord clearly instructed Moses to have three tribes precede the Tabernacle as they began to march—Judah, Issachar and Zebulun (Numbers 10:14-16).

The standard representing Judah was that of a lion. Clearly, the Lord is presenting Himself as the Lion from the tribe of Judah. He came once in a manger and offered Himself as a suffering lamb. However, now He comes roaring in resurrection power to appropriate His overcoming victory through a Body of people identified as the Bride of Christ. Praise must go before us along with a clear understanding of times and seasons as depicted in the blessings of Issachar.

We are now entering an "appointed time" for advancement and especially the recovery of lost heritage. While in South Africa following Rosh Hashanah very clear revelatory insights were given concerning Zebulun and the blessing of Moses found in Deuteronomy 33:18-19 saying:

Of Zebulun he said, "Rejoice, Zebulun, in your going forth, and, Issachar, in your tents. They will call peoples to the mountain; there they will offer righteous sacrifices; for they will draw out the abundance of the seas, and the hidden treasures of the sand."

The name Zebulun means "a habitation" but the land of Zebulun was once ostracized for its darkness and apostasy. However, one visitation from the Lord Jesus and it became known as a land of illumination and a source of great Light (Matthew 4:15-16). This blessing provides a prophetic picture of many places being positioned for divine visitation. I believe this will be especially true along certain coastal areas that have received prophetic promises through the blessings of Zebulun. Naturally, that is not to say this will be limited to coastal areas, but this word is identifying those places with this promise.

A New Season

I believe this past fall festival season has been one of the most important in recent memory. Very clear and precise revelations have been granted concerning God's desire to release not only demonstrations of His Spirit but also a more pronounced measure of His Presence. We are called and commissioned in this season to bring in a wave of harvest that will consist of future harvesters; the Cloud is moving in that direction. Along with our emphasis on evangelism there must also be a corresponding emphasis on equipping, mentoring and preparation.

Paul Keith and Wanda Davis
WhiteDove Ministries


When It's God It Won't Let Go

Cindy McGill

God is designing our paths—there are things being prepared for us that we have not yet seen and have not been revealed. Our future days are full of hope, power, discernment and peace. He is the God of all hope and the God of all peace. When we can rest in His ability to guide us, we can stay in an attitude of peace and receive the revelation we need for the days ahead.

Our citizenship is in Heaven. I used to picture my seat in Heaven next to Jesus looking like a theater seat, but now I think it's a couch. It is the place to stretch out, knowing that He is in total control. He is able to do things in us and through us that we have absolutely no ability to do. Our job is to cease striving and His job is to accomplish exceeding, abundant things for us, in us and through us.

He is Financing Kingdom Projects

He is financing His Kingdom projects. The resources in Heaven are not limited. There are ideas being birthed to reach the world with the message of truth and God is dispersing the necessary finances to do them. Some have been given assignments of creative things to bring to life, but have been hindered by the perceived "lack of funding." If we will just begin, then the money and people will be in place to help birth it.

It is faith-building to watch God's hands at work, bringing all the pieces together to advance His Kingdom to reach this world searching for truth. Our confidence is strengthened in these times to give us faith for the days ahead.

When It's God, It Won't Let Go

When God is directing us to do something that will build His Kingdom, it won't let go of us. Recently, we completed a documentary on dreams that we had been working on for seven years. We took our cameras on the streets and captured people telling us their dreams and gave them interpretations as we listened to God regarding the dreamer and the dream.

Often the weather conditions were extreme. I remember one year being in the temperature of six degrees on the streets. There were times I wanted to give up, having no money to work with, opposition from people who didn't understand what I was doing, and discouragement when I wasn't allowed access into places where I felt God wanted us to go. I was learning some serious lessons about overcoming and persistence.

But this assignment WOULDN'T LET GO OF ME. Each year I was compelled to keep going, and each year we gained more favor and we found more and more people with TRULY God-given dreams that we were able to capture on film. I remember at one point just sitting down on a couch during the outreach, discouraged and cold. Our camera people were with us and it just seemed like we couldn't go on. I laid my head back on the couch and sighed, and then I heard the Lord say to me, "Don't let another year go by."

I have to tell you, that statement didn't comfort me. It was like, "Lord, I am doing all I can and I am getting so weary." But little did I know that God had all the pieces in place, and within a two month period of time, we had a producer and everything we had need of to accomplish this task—and it was completed WITHOUT OUR EFFORT. I now look back and wonder what would have happened if I had given up because I didn't "see" everything, or if I had let people's opinions stop me from completing my assignment from God.

Hearing the Voice of the Good Shepherd...

...and the voice of another we are not to listen to. Often times we are set back or hindered from moving forward because the opinions of others speak louder than the direction of God. People who don't receive the assignment don't understand the vision. In order to accomplish what God is asking us to do, we must follow His voice and direction above all else.

Consider Noah—a man who walked with God and was asked to do the most unusual thing in a time of impending disaster. Genesis 6 has the account of his obedience to the Lord in spite of peoples' opinions and mocking. Noah walked with God and found favor with Him, and God could trust Noah to do something that had never been done before. Noah received instruction and did EXACTLY what the Lord was asking him to do. I'm sure Noah was a bit perplexed as God asked him to build an "ark" which, to that time, had never been built before. But, what God asked Noah to do he did, and God's plan was carried out as Noah obeyed.

Don't Limit God in the Coming Days

God has things up His sleeves to surprise us. We are in a time of incredible revelation and creativity being released. Being one with the Creator makes us the most creative people on the planet. Demonstrations of God's Kingdom are going to astound the world. It is the GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH with signs, wonders, miracles; signs in the heavens and wonders on the earth.

God is making His voice known and the Holy Spirit is fueling us to make it happen. Dream big and keep pressing on. The biggest results require the biggest risks. God is cheering us on to greater things. The Kingdom of God is not a boring Kingdom, and He is looking for people who will let Him create through them.

Dream on,
Cindy McGill
Hope for the Harvest


Monday, October 19, 2009

No Plan B

Isaiah 54:2-4 (MKJV) "Make the place of your tent larger and let them stretch out the curtains of your dwellings. Do not spare, lengthen your cords and strengthen your stakes; for you shall break out on the right hand and on the left. And your seed shall inherit the nations and people will inhabit ruined cities. Do not fear; for you shall not be ashamed, nor shall you blush; for you shall not be put to shame; for you shall forget the shame of your youth, and shall not remember the reproach of your widowhood any more."

Bill Yount
Recently while praying, facing a great challenge, I heard the Father say, "There is no Plan B." It dawned on me that since God was saying there is no plan B, that this means I am not plan B either...I am still God's plan A. A great burden lifted off of me as all my doubts over the many years, where I thought I had missed God or made too many mistakes and failures, just vanished as He spoke those few words to me. I believe right now the enemy is trying to convince many in the Body of Christ that they have missed God's plan A for their lives. All through the Bible God's chosen battled with that lie. As long as the enemy can get you thinking about a possible plan B, you will be double-minded in all you do and you won't be able to focus on God's plan A for your life.

"For the Gifts and Calling of God are Without Repentance" Romans 11:29

I wonder when Peter denied Christ three times if he thought plan A for him was out of the question? But look whom God chooses to preach the first sermon on the day of Pentecost to bring in 3,000 souls! Peter allowed his denial to drive him deeper into Christ, and as a result Peter became a strong tent stake in the New Testament Church as God added to the Church daily (Acts 2:47).

I wonder if Joseph wondered where God's plan A went as he looked up out of the dark pit that his wicked brothers threw him into. Perhaps he lived with the regret of the mistake of telling them his dream. Later sitting in prison for about 12 years, in spite of his innocence, must have given him some doubts if God's plan for his life had actually changed to plan C. But as he goes from the pit to the prison to the palace, he discovers it was God's plan A all along! God was in all of the above!

Jonah runs in the opposite direction of God's call to go to Nineveh to preach repentance to them. He ends up in the belly of a whale. He saw the plan of death beginning to take place for him, but the whale gets sick because God's plan A is in its belly, and as Jonah cries out to the Lord, the whale spits him out so he can still get to Nineveh! (See Jonah 2.)

It's Time to Drive a Stake in the Ground and Proclaim, "I Am God's Plan A"

I believe the Lord sees our mistakes differently than we do. A friend of mine was sharing about a retreat he went on with the Lord. The first couple days He was confessing to the Lord his shortcomings and was telling the Lord that he felt he had made too many mistakes in his life and ministry. He was telling the Lord how He should have been more cautious and made less mistakes. A day later the Lord spoke to him, "Son, I can turn a mistake into a miracle."

As the Lord spoke to me that there is no plan B, I saw the word mistake highlighted in the Spirit. I could see that the word "mistake" has the word "stake" in it, and it also has the letter A in it. I believe the Lord is showing that in spite of many mistakes and adverse situations, we still have a stake with plan A in it, and we need to drive that stake into the ground and proclaim, "I am God's plan A!" I believe this stake can become the tent stake in Isaiah 54:2 "strengthen your stakes..." in order for God to expand His Kingdom.

As you drive your tent stake into the ground you will discover it has to be pounded hard to go deep into solid ground to make the place of your tent larger. I believe the reason we have lost focus of our lives being plan A is because of the pounding of everyday life, the enemy, and certain people who have come against us who have helped to pound us deeper into the ground.

I saw the imprint of plan A on the head of the stake to be driven into the ground, which represented our purpose and destiny so the tent could be stretched out. But through the many years of being pounded, the letter A has worn off of the head of the tent stake and we have lost focus of God's plan A and become weary and seemingly have lost our identity. Now we must see by faith that we are still plan A and be willing to be driven even deeper as we give God the permission to use whatever and whomever He chooses for us to go deeper. How deep? All I know is that the tent peg or stake is the most hidden part of the tent, driven so deep in order to hold the expansion of our tent that God has in mind.

"Let 'Them' Stretch Out the Curtains of Your Dwellings..." Isaiah 54:2

As I was pondering this Scripture, I was wondering who "them" was. I sense the Lord showing me that "them" are "whoever will" may come to stretch the curtains of our habitations. Stay alert, "them" could represent your neighbor, your community, your city, and your nation, who will challenge you to be stretched. We must be open to different faces, different places and different ideas that are coming our way from those who are coming to pull the life of Christ out of us!

Make sure your tent peg or stake goes deep into solid ground. Be open, because their pulling on the Christ in us will result in stretching us into their arts, their music, their media and their world. We must allow them to pull on us and stretch us into their dark habitations in order for us to be the light rising in gross darkness. Different faces and all kinds of people are coming to stretch us. The governments of our cities and nations will be pulling on us for answers. We must grant God permission to allow them to stretch us.

Endure the pounding, the stretching has begun!

Bill Yount
Blowing the Shofar Ministries


Friday, October 16, 2009

The Downward Spiral

Choir Bible Study Notes
October 10, 2009
from UBS's sharing...

Passages lifted from the letter to the HEBREWS

The discussion outlined the steps that take place that leads a person to fall away from God...

...first, a person DRIFTS FROM THE WORD

...then he DOUBTS THE WORD

...after a while his spirit becomes DULL TO THE WORD

...which subsequently leads the person to DESPISE THE WORD

...finally, the person DEFIES THE WORD

Revival Service Notes: October 6, 2009

from HWL's preaching...

- God is putting a stop to things that are unproductive in our lives

- 2010 is a year of being launched into something long term

- there will be deliverance from demonic things

- God has blessed us with EVERY spiritual blessing in CHRIST

- GOD is a Planner, Preparer, God of freedom, Predestinator, Positioner and Workout-er

- HE chose you and me in His SOVEREIGNTY

- it's really, REALLY, REALLY all about HIM

- DO NOT SETTLE FOR LESS because God wants to give you THE BEST

- do not allow the FLESH to DISTRACT you from GOD'S PURPOSES

- Romans 8:26... God helps u in our weakness

- lift your vision higher to the spiritual

- stop focusing on your weakness

Revival Service Notes: September 22, 2009

from JBD's sermon...

- the WORD of God has the POWER to ADJUST your LIFE

- God release the Holy Spirit to enable you to live SUPERNATURALLY

- everything is in the SPIRIT

- the entire BIBLE reveals JESUS CHRIST

- the forces of darkness will assail but they will never prevail

- the wisdom of the world is foolishness to GOD

- HIS purposes will prevail but we have to partner with HIM

- the BATTLE is in the MIND; once the MIND is set, get your sails ready

- the WORD cuts both ways -- it slices the speaker and the hearer

- do not worry about money because JESUS is your SHEPHERD

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

ADTT Lesson on the Dominion Mandate

ADTT Lesson on the Dominion Mandate As taught by Pastor Joseph B. DiSarno To Batch A3 of the Apostolic Discipleship Training Track November 5, 2008

- Jesus is the second Adam but He was able to tend the “garden” without failure

- JBD mentioned the difference between “foreknowledge” and “pre-destination”
-----> Jesus “knew” Judas but He still loved him

- Jesus received ALL authority and He commanded us to GO

- Jesus used that authority and He took dominion…
-----> over His flesh [Mark 1:12-13]
-----> over temptation and the devil [Mark 1:12-13]
~~~~~~~~~> Jesus did not believe the lies of the devil
~~~~~~~~~> the devil tempts us with things that God already gave us
-----> over unclean spirits [Mark 1:23-27]
-----> over sickness and diseases [Mark 1:29-33]
-----> over leprosy [Mark 1:41]
-----> over sin by releasing forgiveness [Mark 2:1-5]
-----> over legalism [Mark 2:28]
-----> over the elements (wind, waves) [Mark 4:39]
-----> over death [Mark 5:41]
-----> in producing after His own kind [Mark 6:7-13]
-----> over poverty and lack [Mark 6:37]
+ cooperate with whatever you have left. He will multiply it
-----> over the laws of science [Mark 6:48]
-----> over deafness and blindness [Mark 7]

ADTT Lesson on the Dominion Mandate, part 2 As taught by Pastor Gertrudes C. Hinampas To Batch A3 of the Apostolic Discipleship Training Track November 12, 2008

- Matthew 28:16-20, the Great Commission
-----> Jesus gave instructions
-----> He reminded and assured His disciples of His presence
-----> He commissioned them to GO to ALL the NATIONS to…
~~~~~~~~~> Make disciples – teach, train, equip and disciple
~~~~~~~~~> Baptize them
~~~~~~~~~> Teach obedience to His commands

- A parallel account of the Great Commission is in Mark 16:14-18, where Jesus says…
-----> Signs will accompany His disciples. They will
~~~~~~~~~> Drive out demons
~~~~~~~~~> Speak in new tongues
~~~~~~~~~> Pick up snakes and drink poison without being harmed
~~~~~~~~~> Lay hands on the sick and they will be healed

- We are to step out in faith and take dominion over the things around us

- Jesus promised the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. Acts 1:8 and fulfilled in Acts 2:1-6