Pastor Joe stated that without the guidance of the Word in the church and in one's personal life, it is so easy to stray -- and stray far -- from the truth. This confirmation shook me awake from my insufficiency in the area of voraciously consuming the Word on a daily basis. Yes, I read the Bible and hear on my iPod, but I realized I don't do it deliberately enough. Changes are going to be implmented, by God's grace.
I now feel a greater sense of urgency to really immerse myself -- and the guys in the cell group with me -- in the Word. So help me God.
The Bible is our daily bread, our source of joy and strength, our light, our guide, and without it, living life would be like using a technically complicated equipment without reading the manual.
2 Kings 23:2 says that King Josiah, when he found the Book of the Covenant and realized how far off the nation was from God's standards, read the Book of the Law to all the people "in their hearing all the words of the Book of the Covenant." When they learned of what God said was right, they made restitution -- they repented, stopped sinning and took corrective action. We who read the Bible now should have the same response.
God's Word IS a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path. Why stumble through the darkness of ignorance, uncertainty and sin when we can shine His truth on our lives and live in perpetual brightness?
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