The day after that, while taking a shower, the Lord spoke to me about how we quickly become concerned when our peripheral technological accessories [like mp3 players, PSPs, mobile phones] reach their low battery status. We instantly scramble for our chargers and head for the nearest wall socket to pump some juice back into our tech gadgets. I know this because I also get this way with my cellphone and iPod.
Right then I got the feeling that the Lord was saying, "how many times have you been so quick to notice that your phone or iPod is nearly out of power and promptly remedy the situation by recharging your gadgets? How come you are never as quick to notice that your life is already reaching low-batt status? And when you do notice it, why aren't you are as quick to scramble for the Bible as you do with the charger so you could plug in to the Source of your power?"
Then He ties up the whole thing by bringing back the image of the wall socket he showed me earlier. Talk about visual aids!
Technolgical gadgets are a great help to modern living and a source of amusement but they are not the most important things in life. Yet we are so quick to replenish their batteries and renew their lives, while being so casual with our own lives by keeping it running on low, and sometimes even keep it running on empty.
If we constantly stay conscious and vigilant of the state of our hearts, we should be aware of our need to be plugged in to the Source. God's power is unlimited and as we keep ourselves connected to Him by seeking Him and dwelling in His presence at all times, we will be empowered to live victorious, godly lives and be energized to do that which He has called us to do.
We don't just need a recharge every now and then. We need to always be plugged in to the Power of the One who enables us to do all things through Christ Jesus.
Shouldn't we be more concerned about powering up our lives instead of powering up of our tech gadgets?
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