"Turn you to the strong hold, ye prisoners of hope: even to day do I declare that I will render double unto thee." Zechariah 9:12
Grace Will Overpower "Self Righteousness" in this Coming Season!
I sense there is a "Zechariah 9:12" anointing coming to the prisons and jails to signify what is in store for those in "spiritual" prisons this coming year. I believe Zechariah, Chapter "9," represents the year "2009," and verse "12" represents a "governmental" anointing being released upon prisons that will call forth those whom the King is summoning. There will be those prisoners who will be surprised to hear..."The King calleth for thee!" I sense the Lord saying:
"I will pour My grace out in a new way. I will grant grace to those who are bound, unloved and forgotten in this next season. For some have said, 'This one will never get out because of what they have done.' Because of this saying, that has become a proverb in the land; watch and see what I will do, for I look upon the heart.
"I am going to release those appointed as a sign of My abundant grace and mercy coming back upon My people throughout the earth this hour! This proverb shall be swallowed up by My Word that declares, 'Where sin abounds, My grace much more abounds!' (Romans 5:20). Grace will overpower 'self righteousness' in this coming season! The goodness of the Lord will lead many to repentance."
There will be a fresh revelation of the phrase "amazing grace" found in this song: "Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now I'm found, was blind, but now I see!"
Hallelujah, what a Savior!
A Remnant of His Glorious Bride is Now Rising from the Prison House of Steel Bars and Razor Wire
God has been preparing a glorious hidden remnant of His Bride to come forth from the prisons and jails. This remnant will be used to teach free Believers in the earth to not only survive but to overcome when everything appears to be falling apart around us.
This Bride rising from the prison house will impart new spiritual tools that will break open the heavens over cities and nations! Some have been in long-term preparation, like Josephs with anointings to preserve many people alive!
While ministering in prisons we often see the shame on many of the faces of the inmates. Yet there is lately an unshakable peace and unquenchable fire in their eyes which seem to prophesy, "There's a better day just ahead!"
When You're Living "Self-Righteous" You Don't Need God's Grace!
One particular lady who was sentenced for a long time for a hard crime stated that it was not committed by her. What was so impressive was that she was burning with the fire of God on the inside more than ever before in her whole life. She was now realizing that before she went to prison, she had been walking too much under the laws of God and not enough under the grace of God.
Before prison she said her life was so well under control that she didn't even need the grace of God in her life. The woman went on to say that in prison you must have the grace of God every second in your life or you will not survive! She has experienced God in a whole new dimension. Even behind bars she talked about God's grace with such passion.
Wherever People are Imprisoned By "Racial" and "Ethnic" Divisions by the Enemy...GRACE Will Pursue Them!
I heard a key turning in the lock of many racial and ethnic groups who have been bound by misunderstanding in our present day culture. I saw great grace being given to the American Indians, Asians, Hispanics and African Americans. Yes, there is a wave of grace coming upon Muslims! I sense the Lord saying, "I have not changed My mind or My Word that says, 'In the last days I will pour out of My Spirit upon all flesh!' I have a remnant in the earth who is praying for all flesh to come to know Me!"
I sense with the rise of Barack Obama, the first African American President, that this is a sign that God is focusing specifically this hour to bring forth a new "spiritual" hope to the African Americans. I sense God is going to visit them in the spiritual realm of revelation, showing them that promotion comes from the Lord. "I raise up one and sit down another for My purposes and plans."
Could God have raised those ones up in order that we must honor and pray fervently for them now? I sense the Lord asking many of us, "Are you receiving or rejecting your next President? If you reject him, it will be difficult to honor and pray the heart of God for him. Remember, I am still your King and your citizenship is not here but in My Kingdom. I am calling you to rise and shine My light in this world beginning in your government, on down through every race and culture group. I gave My only Son for all of you!"
"Many Bound in My Own House Will be Delivered by 'Grace' This Coming Year"
There are waves of grace coming upon prisoners wherever they may be this coming year. This includes those behind bars and razor wire as well as those bound in "spiritual" prisons walking the streets. Even many held captive in the house of the Lord will be delivered as they experience wave after wave of His marvelous grace. We will experience grace that is greater than all our sin and grace to turn us from our sins and live holy for Him.
Amazing Grace!
Bill Yount
Blowing the Shofar Ministries
Email: theshofarhasblown@juno.com
ElijahList Publications
310 2nd Ave SE,
Albany, OR 97321
email: info@elijahlist.net
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