Monday, December 29, 2008

Pause, Reflect - What Are We Doing?

Robert Ricciardelli: "Pause, Reflect - What Are We Doing?"

We are all living in a fast-paced, hard driven, "make it happen" world. I know this world well and have operated in it for most of my life by the world's standards and measures. By the grace of God, the Lord took us out of the Matrix several years ago. Through continued trials and tests, Father has forged in us a resolve and a faith in Him that otherwise had been and would have continued to be minimized.

As we travel, we see common patterns that limit our effectiveness and ability to be Kingdom ambassadors to the world. If we do not pause, reflect and hear correctly, we will often look back and say, "Wow, so much time has passed and very little of what we had intended to do ever got in motion."

PAUSE...Be Still and Know I Am God

"Pause. Be Still." Can that really happen in our lives on a regular basis? We all know it should and should know that it is vital if we want to be "Father pleasers" - hearing from Him and what He has to say and how He sees things going. This does not have to be in the form of a ritual, but just time with Him. He will take every moment you give to Him and make something good out of it. As we pause long enough to hear His voice, we can then move on and reflect - based on His divine plans.

REFLECT…Navigational Fine-Tuning

"His ways are not our ways" should always be part of our reflection. As we look into the spiritual mirror of our existence, how much of our lives are spent reacting to the world and its systems? How much worry or focus is given to these very same systems? Even Jesus reminded us to give to Caesar and His systems - give what is Caesar's and give to God what was due Him, with our very lives.

Jesus was not concerned with politics; He operated beyond the worldly systems while still within them. He was in them but not OF them. We must begin or continue our conversations with the Father to hear His plan, engage with it, and seek His voice for the next steps. Then we can seriously begin to objectively ask the real question, "What are we doing?"

WHAT ARE WE DOING?...Good Question, But Do We have the Answer?

God never intended for religion. He intended to have a people called by His name to steward, be productive, and carry His presence to those around us and to the nations. Does sitting in a church service each week hearing a good message and worshipping together give us all of what we need? Are we living our experience of being the Church through two hours on Sunday and maybe a home cell on Thursday? Are we active in our thoughts and communications with the Father in our everyday life? Are we being transformed by His presence? Is the transformation manifesting selectively depending on the people we engage with or the environment we are in?

I love corporate worship and the time when we come together, whether it is Sunday, Monday or Tuesday, but what are we doing in between those corporate gatherings? It is great to have a corporate vision, but do we have an identifiable vision and revelation from God for ourselves? Are we living our lives thinking we are okay because we sit and listen to great preaching and have a wonderful church expression each week, or are we allowing the Holy Spirit to mobilize us every single day into His purposes and plans?

His Kingdom wants to encompass everything. The King and His righteousness desires to influence everything we are and everything we do. We must pause, reflect, and examine all that we are and all that we do. How is our heart toward those who have rejected us? Do we forgive, do we love, or do we just move on? How do we treat coworkers that are different than us in their beliefs and lifestyles? Are we praying for them, loving them, or do we sit back in judgment of them?

Those who run businesses - have you examined how you are treating employees, customers, vendors in light of His love and His Word? Are we living in the revelation that the Father is your Senior Partner in business and in life, and have you been making important decisions without Him? Are you living in the reality that people are God's greatest asset, always? These are the types of questions we ask in our coaching and consulting of others. Here a few beginning steps.

Some Steps Toward Kingdom Reality

• We must all continue to migrate toward relationship with Him first, which is the only hope of real and lasting transformational change.

• We must examine our hearts and ask the Holy Spirit to illuminate and reflect back to us the things that we may not be aware of. Once revealed, our love for Him should motivate us to take the steps He shows us to get healed, get whole, and forgive or release others to Him.

• We must look at our daily activities and check and see if the actions please the Father or grieve the Father. We should decide today to be "Father pleasers." We also must recognize that religious activities do not cut it in pleasing the Father in everyday life: How we treat our spouses, how we love our children, how we give without having to receive, how we become absorbed with Him and others, rather than self.

• Talk to Him continuously. Jesus only did and said what the Father gave Him to do and say. Jesus is always our model. Sometimes Jesus would turn away the crowd, the noise, the ministry stuff, to get away with the Father. So must we. He loves to hear from you and He is big enough to listen to the gripes and complaints. He is also big enough to show you that the gripes and complaints are insignificant in light of His eternal plans for you.

• Just love. God is love. Everything about Him oozes love. Love does not mean we ignore justice. His perfect love always includes truth and justice. But how our hearts move towards truth and justice often reveals where we are in His love. Love seems to gravitate towards healing and restoration, rather than judgment. You will find that your life does not matter and will pursue loving those who have hated and rejected you. You will pray for your enemies and you will begin relationships with those who are different than you.

• Walk humbly before your God and others. When I write, I am writing these things to myself. I thank God for my development, but boy I have a long way to go, just ask my wife. The more I know, the more I don't know and the more it keeps me pressed into Him. If you think you are nearing completion, think again. You've come a long way baby, but He has eternity waiting and changes are going to happen.

I have found it much easier to be a willing partner with the Lord. He loves us enough to make our path straight, but it is so much better to get on the right path first, rather than being extracted from the ways we thought were the right ones.

Let's Pray: Lord, we embrace Your path today. Illuminate all things to us and we choose to follow all that You show us. Forgive us for our rebellion and our religious ways that have brought us a false comfort. Show us how we can truly live and move and have our being with You each moment for Your glory alone, Amen.

Robert and Joyce Ricciardelli
Visionary Advancement Strategies

ElijahList Publications
310 2nd Ave SE,
Albany, OR 97321
Phone 1-541-926-3250

Gifted. Protected. Exalted.

[for "Gifted to Heal. Protected by God. Exalted by the Lord."]

Hands that bring healing to body and soul
The Spirit that's leading will take full control
You have been anointed to go forth, make known
That God is the Healer; the glory -- His own

Your life in the daytime is kept well secure
Your life in the nighttime is safe, be assured
That Savior is able to watch and to know
His hands will protect you wherever you go

You will be exalted when humble you stay
He'll lift up your head, you'll see this one day
Just keep your light shining, the dark will disperse
You are exalted, you're blessed and not cursed

You're gifted to heal, your Lord is the Healer
Protected for life, your God is Redeemer
Exalted on high, your King will uplift you
Get ready to rise, the Kingdom's within you

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Season's Greetings

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everybody!
I declare blessing to you and your loved ones; more prosperity; more love; more peace; more joy; a deeper relationship with God...

... and a partridge in a pear tree!

God bless you all!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Warriors Creed: I Am a Soldier


I am a soldier in the army of God.
The Lord Jesus Christ is my Commanding Officer.
The Holy Bible is my code of conduct.
Faith, Prayer, and the Word are my weapons of Warfare.
I have been taught by the Holy Spirit, trained by experience, tried by adversity, and tested by fire.

I am a volunteer in this army, and I am enlisted for eternity.

I will either retire in this Army or die in this Army;
but, I will not get out, sell out, be talked out, or pushed out.
I am faithful, reliable, capable, and dependable.
If my God needs me, I am there.

I am a soldier. I am not a baby.
I do not need to be pampered, petted, primed up,
pumped up, picked up, or pepped up.
I am a soldier. No one has to call me, remind me, write me, visit me, entice me, or lure me.

I am a soldier. I am not a wimp.
I am in place, saluting my King, obeying His orders,
praising His name, and building His kingdom!
No one has to send me flowers, gifts, food, cards, candy, or give me handouts.
I do not need to be cuddled, cradled, cared for, or catered to.
I am committed. I cannot have my feelings hurt bad enough to turn me around.

I cannot be discouraged enough to turn me aside.
I cannot lose enough to cause me to quit.
When Jesus called me into this Army, I had nothing.
If I end up with nothing, I will still come out even. I will win.
My God will supply all my needs. I am more than a conqueror.
I will always triumph. I can do all things through Christ.
Devils cannot defeat me. People cannot disillusion me.
Weather cannot weary me. Sickness cannot stop me.
Battles cannot beat me. Money cannot buy me.
Governments cannot silence me, and hell cannot handle me!

I am a soldier.
Even death cannot destroy me.
For when my Commander calls me from this battlefield,
He will promote me to a captain.
I am a soldier, in the Army, I'm marching, claiming victory.
I will not give up. I will not turn around. I am a soldier, marching Heaven bound.

There are four kinds of soldiers:
1. Active Duty: Serving the Lord faithfully, daily, and on duty 24-7-365.
2. Reserve Status: Serving only when called upon,
or twice a year: Christmas and Easter.
3. Guard Status: Backing up the Active Duty group.
4. AWOL! Absent With Out the Lord.

Which kind are you? Be an army of one for an audience of One.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Start at the Heart

Muller on Prayer

When asked how much time he spent in prayer, George Muller's reply was, "Hours every day. But I live in the spirit of prayer. I pray as I walk and when I lie down and when I arise. And the answers are always coming." Source Unknown.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Prison Break

Bill Yount: "There Are Waves of Grace Coming Upon 'Prisoners' This Coming Year!"

"Turn you to the strong hold, ye prisoners of hope: even to day do I declare that I will render double unto thee." Zechariah 9:12

Grace Will Overpower "Self Righteousness" in this Coming Season!

I sense there is a "Zechariah 9:12" anointing coming to the prisons and jails to signify what is in store for those in "spiritual" prisons this coming year. I believe Zechariah, Chapter "9," represents the year "2009," and verse "12" represents a "governmental" anointing being released upon prisons that will call forth those whom the King is summoning. There will be those prisoners who will be surprised to hear..."The King calleth for thee!" I sense the Lord saying:

"I will pour My grace out in a new way. I will grant grace to those who are bound, unloved and forgotten in this next season. For some have said, 'This one will never get out because of what they have done.' Because of this saying, that has become a proverb in the land; watch and see what I will do, for I look upon the heart.

"I am going to release those appointed as a sign of My abundant grace and mercy coming back upon My people throughout the earth this hour! This proverb shall be swallowed up by My Word that declares, 'Where sin abounds, My grace much more abounds!' (Romans 5:20). Grace will overpower 'self righteousness' in this coming season! The goodness of the Lord will lead many to repentance."

There will be a fresh revelation of the phrase "amazing grace" found in this song: "Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now I'm found, was blind, but now I see!"

Hallelujah, what a Savior!

A Remnant of His Glorious Bride is Now Rising from the Prison House of Steel Bars and Razor Wire

God has been preparing a glorious hidden remnant of His Bride to come forth from the prisons and jails. This remnant will be used to teach free Believers in the earth to not only survive but to overcome when everything appears to be falling apart around us.

This Bride rising from the prison house will impart new spiritual tools that will break open the heavens over cities and nations! Some have been in long-term preparation, like Josephs with anointings to preserve many people alive!

While ministering in prisons we often see the shame on many of the faces of the inmates. Yet there is lately an unshakable peace and unquenchable fire in their eyes which seem to prophesy, "There's a better day just ahead!"

When You're Living "Self-Righteous" You Don't Need God's Grace!

One particular lady who was sentenced for a long time for a hard crime stated that it was not committed by her. What was so impressive was that she was burning with the fire of God on the inside more than ever before in her whole life. She was now realizing that before she went to prison, she had been walking too much under the laws of God and not enough under the grace of God.

Before prison she said her life was so well under control that she didn't even need the grace of God in her life. The woman went on to say that in prison you must have the grace of God every second in your life or you will not survive! She has experienced God in a whole new dimension. Even behind bars she talked about God's grace with such passion.

Wherever People are Imprisoned By "Racial" and "Ethnic" Divisions by the Enemy...GRACE Will Pursue Them!

I heard a key turning in the lock of many racial and ethnic groups who have been bound by misunderstanding in our present day culture. I saw great grace being given to the American Indians, Asians, Hispanics and African Americans. Yes, there is a wave of grace coming upon Muslims! I sense the Lord saying, "I have not changed My mind or My Word that says, 'In the last days I will pour out of My Spirit upon all flesh!' I have a remnant in the earth who is praying for all flesh to come to know Me!"

I sense with the rise of Barack Obama, the first African American President, that this is a sign that God is focusing specifically this hour to bring forth a new "spiritual" hope to the African Americans. I sense God is going to visit them in the spiritual realm of revelation, showing them that promotion comes from the Lord. "I raise up one and sit down another for My purposes and plans."

Could God have raised those ones up in order that we must honor and pray fervently for them now? I sense the Lord asking many of us, "Are you receiving or rejecting your next President? If you reject him, it will be difficult to honor and pray the heart of God for him. Remember, I am still your King and your citizenship is not here but in My Kingdom. I am calling you to rise and shine My light in this world beginning in your government, on down through every race and culture group. I gave My only Son for all of you!"

"Many Bound in My Own House Will be Delivered by 'Grace' This Coming Year"

There are waves of grace coming upon prisoners wherever they may be this coming year. This includes those behind bars and razor wire as well as those bound in "spiritual" prisons walking the streets. Even many held captive in the house of the Lord will be delivered as they experience wave after wave of His marvelous grace. We will experience grace that is greater than all our sin and grace to turn us from our sins and live holy for Him.

Amazing Grace!

Bill Yount
Blowing the Shofar Ministries

ElijahList Publications
310 2nd Ave SE,
Albany, OR 97321
Phone 1-541-926-3250

Thursday, December 11, 2008

When I Go...

An office mate of mine was answering a random question on Xanga. The question: "If you died today, what would your epitaph say?" I found it very interesting and posted my answer on my friend's blog.

At the top of my head, my answer to the question was this:

"He brought nothing into the world when he was born. He left everything behind when he died."

I hope that when my time comes to say goodbye to this earthly tent that I would have given away everything in me to the next generation, for my nation and for the Kingdom of God.

- - - - -

In connection to this, I would also like to have this song played during my funeral...

All My Tears
[Julie Miller, as covered by Jars of Clay]

When I go don't cry for me, in my Father's arms I'll be
The wounds this world left on my soul will all be healed and I'll be whole
Sun and moon will be replaced with the light of Jesus' face
And I will not be ashamed, for my Savior knows my name

It don't matter where you bury me, I'll be home and I'll be free
It don't matter where I lay, All my tears be washed away

Gold and silver blind the eye, temporary riches lie
Come and eat from heaven's store, come and drink and thirst no more

It don't matter where you bury me, I'll be home and I'll be free
It don't matter where I lay, All my tears be washed away

So weep not for me my friends, when my time below does end
For my life belongs to Him, who will raise the dead again.

It don't matter where you bury me, 'cause I'll be home and I'll be free.
It don't matter where I lay, all my tears be washed away

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


I had a conversation with my mother last week about my brother and sister-in-law starting a new life in New Zealand. We talked about them getting involved in the church there and how my sister-in-law has been saying that their fledgling congregation could use someone like me [down pride!].

I told my ma that my brother is the one who is needed in ministry there, that's why he's there. And she replies, "Well, he's still adjusting to life there."

This got me to thinking last night while showering.

"Isn't our life here on earth about adjustments anyway?" No matter how old or young we are, no matter how comfortable or uncomfortable our life situation may be, no matter how far or near we are from our geographical homes, all of us make adjustments. Every single day. Since the day we were born.

I found this very revealing. Life is about adjustments. All of us are born into a certain family lifestyle, certain nationalities, certain traditions, certain personality traits. And we've all gotten accustomed to it, especially if we didn't get much godly discipline when we were younger.

But our lives aren't our own. We belong to God, who created us. The moment we choose to entrust our lives to Him, is the moment we start making adjustments in our lives -- our way of thinking, our way of relating to other people, our way of responding to life's challenges.

Everything needs adjustment. Everyday needs adjustments. God has a standard, a measuring stick called the Bible. That's what we need to use to make necessary changes in our lives. His Word should be the basis for any and every change that is to take place in us.

If we conform to the measuring stick of Babylon -- worldly attitudes, unwholesome speech, impure thinking -- then the adjustments we make take us the wrong way. Yes, we are in the world, but we are not supposed to be "of" the world. We are supposed to influence people to godliness, not be influenced by others out of godliness.

Some adjustments in life take time. Some take effect in seconds -- miraculously. But we still need to make them. We still need to pray for them to come into our lives. We still need to ask God for help because making adjustments is hard.

This is the journey of a Christian. Adjustments are inevitable. But so are the victories once we've been recalibrated and realigned to living a Kingdom lifestyle.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

End Time Signs

[Something I found at Better to issue the warning than be accountable for not doing so.]

End Time Delusions: According to bible, in the end times, expect widespread deception, counterfeit miracles, and the appearance of false prophets. Each of these evils will contribute to an atmosphere that will deceive an untold number of people throughout the world. The Antichrist, possibly a charismatic Muslim with a fake Jesus as a sidekick, will convince his followers he is the answer to the world’s problems. Paul tells us that those who become caught in the Antichrist’s web of deceit will be guilty because they freely choose to enjoy evil while denying the truth.

1. False Bible teachers would be money hungry. They would be smooth talkers, have many followers, and slur the Christian faith (2 Peter 2:1-3) See some at:

2. Homosexuality would be increasingly evident at the end of the age (2 Timothy 3:3)

3. Earthquakes would be in diverse places (Matthew 24:7)

4. Stress would be part of living (2 Timothy 3:1)

5. Many wars would erupt (Matthew 24:6)

6. People would forsake the Ten Commandments as a moral code, committing adultery, stealing, lying, and killing (Matthew 24:12)

7. There would be a cold religious system, in denying God's power (2 Timothy 3:5)

8. Men would substitute fantasy in place of Christian truth (2 Timothy 4:4). This is so evident at Christmas when the birth of the Savior is lost behind the myth of Santa Claus.

9. Deadly diseases would be prevalent (Matthew 24:7). The worldwide increase in AIDS deaths is almost inestimable. Over 160,000 Americans die of cancer each year.

10. The fact that God once flooded the earth (the Noahic flood) would be denied (2 Peter 3:5-6). There is a mass of fossil evidence to prove this fact, yet it is flatly ignored by the scientific world because of its uncanny implication.

11. The institution of marriage would be forsaken by many (1 Timothy 4:3)

12. There would be an increase in famines (Matthew 24:7)

13. Increase in vegetarianism would increase (1 Timothy 4:3-4)

14. There would be a cry for peace (1 Thessalonians 5:3)

15. The possession of Jerusalem would be at the center of international turmoil (Zechariah 12:3)

16. Knowledge would increase (Daniel 12:4)

17. There would be hypocrites within the Church (Matthew 13:25-30)

18. There would be an increase of religious cults/false teachers (Matthew 24:11 & 24)

19. The future would seem fearful to many (Luke 21:26)

20. Humanity would become materialistic (2 Timothy 3:4)

21. There would be many involved in travel (Daniel 12:4)

22. The Christian Gospel would be preached as a warning to all nations (Matthew 24:14)

23. Jesus said Christians would be hated "for His name's sake" (Matthew 24:9)

And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. (Luke 21:25-26).

25: Youth would become rebellious. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy (2 Timothy 3:2)

26: Men would mock the warning signs of the end of the age saying, "for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation." (2 Peter 3:4). The Bible even reveals their motivation, they love lust (verse 3). They fail to understand that a day to the Lord is as a thousand years to us. God is not subject to the time that He created. He can flick through time as we flick through the pages of a history book. The reason He seems to be silent, is because He is patiently waiting, not willing that any perish, but that all come to repentance.

Reference: "Nostradamus: Attack on America" by Ray Comfort

Ray tends to believe that the Holy Bible and possibly the occult was the source for Nostradamus' prophecies. Nostradamus was probably reading Scripture at a time the Catholic Church forbade anyone other than clergy to read it.