[ another prophetic word from Elijah List that confirms what the Lord has been telling me in the bathrooms of the place I currently work - Mike ]
In a vision on August 31, 2008, Bob saw that many people were imprisoned by their lost expectations. What they expected out of their lives had not come to pass.
Past disappointments or expectations for our lives have imprisoned us. And when you look back to your past expectations, you have no vision for your future.
Your failures were steppingstones from your past; steppingstones into His presence and your future. It's time for you to flush your past and let it be gone from you. The Lord is commissioning you - giving you a mission; vision for the future.
There is a remnant left who remain; they really believe God and have kept their spirits and consciences clean. The Lord is not disappointed in them. However, they've become disappointed in themselves. But the Lord says to you that your disappointment was His opportunity.
So our past disappointments rob us from our future vision because God is saying:
"I'm not disappointed in you because of your failed expectations, for they were My opportunity to change your life for My purpose.
"Your disappointments or expectations were stepping stones to My presence and now - I'm going to demand that you flush them and look to the future - not the past, for those who look to the past have no future! I now have My Spirit in many of My people."
In the vision, Bob saw that many of God's saints' consciences (or their spirits) were clean, but their minds weren't. And the Holy Spirit is dealing with the mind of those who have not come to the place where they thought they should be.
God says, "Their conscience is clean and now I'm going to cleanse their soul, because I'm going to use their soul and their spirit to reveal My Kingdom. So now I begin a work of cleansing their soul, so their soul might be a partaker of My Divine Nature.
"You're actually ready in the spirit. Now I'm preparing your soul, for I'm going to use both soul and spirit. And the soul is what I'm preparing.
"I just want you to know that I'm not disappointed in you and I've brought you to the place where your future in Me shall be fruit." Amen.
Bob and Bonnie Jones
The Prophetic Ministry of Bob and Bonnie Jones
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ElijahList Publications
310 2nd Ave SE,
Albany, OR 97321
email: info@elijahlist.net
Phone 1-541-926-3250
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