[for "Beloved, Precious One who Shines with the Beauty of God"]
Beauty of God that shines from within
Holiness and truth that come from Him
Mercy and grace that on you are adorned
Make you the beauteous one that He formed
Lovely and precious to His eyes you are
Bringing delight to your Father’s heart
Beloved to Him, you can rest in His care
You can find all you need; He will always be there
Beloved – it means in His arms He will carry
Your burdens, your life, your all if you tarry
Beloved – it means His arms are wide open
It goes beyond words; His love heals the broken
Beloved – it means you can overcome all
For His love is your fuel, your weapon, your call
Beloved – it means you are whole and complete
No lack is in you, every need He will meet
Beloved – it means that His might is in you
To accomplish great things He has destined for you
Beloved – it means you are called "warrior child"
Whose spirit is power and love and sound mind
Beloved, be strong in the Lord and arise
His glory, His beauty through you brightly shines
Beloved, you are to the battlefield reckoned
No time for the doldrums; the war drums beckon
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