The valley of dry bones is going to be a battlefield where the destinies of many will be waged war on. As those who speak life to the dry bones speak, there will be instantaneous regeneration of flesh – in a twinkling of an eye, not gradual. I see the bones – as soon as they hear the words of life spoken – leap up and became warriors of flesh and blood… and spirit. As those who have come to the valley to speak life to the dry bones are speaking, others [those who have heard the call and have awakened] are helping the risen warriors and equipping them and leading them to the thick of the battle. I see angels battling alongside the warriors of God – waging war against demons, principalities… and the devil himself. Many are now rising up and are rushing to meet the horde of the enemy face on – fearless ones standing on their God-given identities and donning the full armor bravely – ready to give their lives for their promised land.
There is going to be a "take no prisoners" attitude in the hearts of the young warriors who have risen up and taken up sword and shield to war. There is going to be no fear of death – for death will be no longer an issue for the brave ones. There will be such a strong spirit of unity among them that at the mere sight of seeing God's soldiers march – no, run – towards their enemy, will make the demons tremble where they stand. There will be no room for an "every man for himself" attitude but each will prefer the other in love, protect each other's back in love, fight alongside each other in love, draw swords together in love, strike at the enemy in love… OVERCOME IN LOVE!
Strategies. Much power. Wisdom. The generals have been equipped and so are their foot soldiers. The Lord has downloaded His heavenly strategies for war and the generals have discerned it. As these strategies are now being applied, much power will be released upon those who will risk all in this war. Wisdom – to know how to strike and to know how to win – has been appropriated to each warrior, and they will fight with great accuracy and precision that not one swing of the sword will be wasted, but each blow will be felt by the kingdom of darkness, reverberating all the way to Satan's throne… if there ever was one.
I see more and more dry bones being restored; more and more rising up and rushing to the heart of the battle; more and more hearing the trumpet call and the beat of the war drums; more and more taking up their weapons; more and more running alongside others who have once fallen asleep but are now awakened by the blood of the Lamb.
I see feet running. I see banners of victory in the air. I see swords, swords, swords drawn, brandished in the air. I hear shouts of victory. I hear loud cries of desperation. I hear hearts resounding their battle cry. I see an army… undefiled… united… unafraid… unwavering… unyielding… unrelenting… unwilling to leave the battlefield without claiming their already won victory.
Seek and destroy. That's one of God's strategies. As we seek Him first, as we seek His kingdom first – and find the intimacy to hear His voice and know His heart – He will add all the other things unto us. It is in intimacy that we know who He is. It is in intimacy that we know who we are. It is in intimacy that we learn how to war, contend and destroy the kingdom of the enemy. Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and see the camp of the enemy DESTROYED!
There will be a strong spirit of brotherhood among the warriors in this battlefield. There will no longer be a distinction between generations. Instead, the young and the old generations will fight side by side, hand in hand – fathers united with sons; sons one with their fathers. This war is a big family affair, with God the Father as overseeing His warriors, and His Son, Jesus the commander-in-chief.
Families are being united. Families are coming together like fingers coming to a fist. Where there used to be broken homes, God will restore love and unity and build an army in each household. Fathers will take up their mantle of leadership and rule. Fathers will teach and raise up warriors in their homes and train the hand of their sons and daughters for war. Fathers will take their position of being the head, not the tail, in families. Fathers will prophesy life to their children, speak words of life to them, show them the ways of God, instruct them in true worship, give identity and purpose, hone and sharpen their children as arrows so they can shoot them off – ready and prepared and equipped – to the battlefield. Fathers will produce mature warriors, not immature babies. Fathers will raise up strong worshipers, rabid intercessors, fervent kingdom seekers, fiery evangelists, loving shepherds, and intimate lovers of God. Fathers will walk in their God-given destiny and mantles! SO BE IT!!!
Generals as young as 12 and 13 are rising up. God isn't minding age. He doesn't set age limits because He is no respecter of persons. These young generals will strike at the enemy and the enemy will be surprised to see such empowered youth – filled with the Spirit of God, unafraid of facing the demons, emboldened by the love of God in their lives.
As the forerunners have run, many will follow. Seeing the courage of those that have gone before, will stir up the hearts and spirits of those that will come after. The Lord is raising up forerunners who will understand what it takes to go before everyone else; forerunners who know what the cost is; forerunners who are willing to leave every little bit of comfort just to see their nation changed and redeemed for the Lord.
As I see the soldiers, the warriors again on the battlefield, they continue to run to the fight; they continue to contend against the enemy; they continue to wage war for freedom in the land. As they do so, a huge wave of white water rushes from behind them and runs through them, but they are not harmed. Instead, it invigorates, refreshes and strengthens them. The mighty rushing waters fuels them and enables them to stand firm on every word of God as they persist in the war. But for the enemy and his soldiers, the waves of the river wipe them out and obliterate them into nothingness – easily! The river will make the fighting much easier for the warriors of God, for this river brings life for those who are in Christ, and destruction for those who are of the devil. LET THE RIVER FLOW, GOD!!!
from a nameless, faceless prophet