The path before you speaks
Two times the measure, two times the treasure
Of integrity
One Daniel stood for what was good
Against some man-made schemes
Though tried by men in lions’ den
His God came and redeemed
He kept his faith, he knew the weight
Of staying true and just
He pleased not men, for he knew then
That God would be his judge
One David fell and sinned so well
But kept his heart aright
Though caught by lust he kept his trust
And sought the Savior’s light
His tender heart and music art
Drew him to Father’s arms
A gentle soul, yet fierce and bold
A fighter in the war
One Daniel David, bright and rabid
Walks in light of these
One portion, not; but two his lot
God's power now released
He carries on, the strength he dons
From prophets and royalty
Receiving double, none of the trouble
From men of integrity
This Daniel, this David, this man created
For such a time as now
Will walk head high, his God nearby
To Him alone he'll bow
This man, his name, he is Great Dane
Ordained to rise above
Before his eyes no compromise
But full of Father's love
Arise, young man, I say again
You're one victorious saint
Fix eyes on Christ, for as you rise
You surely will not faint
- - - - -
for Daniel David: God has marked you as a man of integrity. Stand on His promises and stand on His word and see His integrity shine through you!
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