Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Intimacy Checks

The Lord reminded me of my intimacy level with Him today. With the flurry of things that I feel God has called me to do, it is easy to put aside the most important thing that I should do for and with Him -- that is to spend time with Him in prayer, in the Word and in worship.

Two of the most recent prophetic words on the Elijah List website were reminders of that. One was about God's jealousy for us, when other things start to remove Him from the number one spot in our hearts. The other is about the important of intimacy with the Lord as the key to a successful harvest.

The Lord God desires to be in an intimate relationship with Him -- Father to child. He desires for us to lay our head on His chest and just be in a loving embrace with Him. Sometimes I get to miss that out because of my "Martha" tendency, but I really love those time when I can just sit in the presence of the Lord and love on Him as He loves on my, like Mary did -- she found the better part.

Father, help me to maintain my intimate relationship with You no matter how busy I get, no matter what circumstances come into my life. You are all I need and my soul longs for You!

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