As the word was shared by Ate Ruby – reading from the prophet Isaiah (chapter 55) where it talks about the power of God’s word and that it never goes back to Him void but accomplishes His purposes – the Lord just began to expound the meaning of the pitcher-water-glass image He gave me.
“The Lord is filling us up with His word so that His word will effortlessly overflow from us unto others.”
Edsel also shared what the Lord impressed on Him with the reading of the passage in Isaiah and during the worship time. Edsel pointed out that sometimes we tend to get used to our comfort zones that we hinder the miracles of God and the power of His word from manifesting in our lives. Like the Israelites of old who preferred to go back to the comforts of Egypt – even though they were enslaved there – we sometimes want to maintain status quo in our lives.
Though we know there is so much more God can give us and do through us if we just boldly step out of our comfort zones and step out in faith, we allow ourselves to get held back by fear and intimidation of the unknowns in our lives. This also further clarified what the Lord meant in the water-filling vision. The Lord impressed upon me that He can only fill us when we are willing to first empty ourselves.
“Are you willing to empty yourself so that the Lord can fill you to overflowing? Your degree of emptiness determines the depth of the in-filling and the amount of the overflow!”
The Holy Spirit also revealed to me that the students in our discipleship class are being equipped with the Word so that we can make prophetic declarations and decrees over this nation.
“The Lord is filling us up with His word so that we can make prophetic decrees that come from an overflow of His word in us; decrees and declarations over the Philippines that will come to pass because His word does not return to Him void but fulfill its every purpose.”
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