Wade Taylor:
Walking in the Spirit, Entering the Depths of God
If We Live in the Spirit, Let Us Also Walk in the Spirit
Christianity is a way of life that is both practical and mystical in its outworking. The Scripture expresses both aspects of this truth in Galatians 5:25:
If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.
"Living in the Spirit" lifts us into a realm of revelation and intimate communion with our Lord. But these experiences in heavenly realities must find expression in, and give direction to, our daily walk in temporal reality. Therefore, we are exhorted to "walk in the Spirit," which relates our spirituality to our everyday practical experiences.
And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us...—John 1:14
The manifestation of God in Jesus Christ was not limited to an intellectual concept or rational understanding. The Eternal Word that created the universe came down to a manger and lived out a human pattern of life and experience, through which He gained total victory and brought Salvation to mankind. He maintained an intimate fellowship and communion with His Father (living in the Spirit), yet He lived among men (walking in the Spirit).
Jesus taught and ministered in very practical ways. He related Eternal Truth to the practical things of His day, which the people were familiar with and could easily understand. Then He said, "Let him that has an ear hear." He was not speaking of our physical ear, but rather He was saying, "There is a deeper vein of truth that is available to each one whose heart has been prepared to understand and receive."
Hidden Treasures of Wisdom and Knowledge
Jesus hung openly visible upon a cross for all to gaze upon. Yet of this same Jesus, the Scripture says: "In whom are hid all the treasures of Wisdom and Knowledge" (Colossians 2:3).
There is a basic level of truth in the Word of God that can be seen and understood by all who have a desire to know the Lord. But, parallel to this is the mystical aspect of the Gospel, the unfolding of "hidden" spiritual treasures. Type and shadow fade as the "Light of His Presence" ushers us behind the veil of printer's ink (the letter of the Word), into the glorious revelation of His being (the spirit of the Word).
In the Lord's dealings with His Bride in the Song of Solomon, there is a beautiful progression that leads her from being satisfied with having the "things of God," to a desire for the "Lord Himself," until finally, all of her self-desire is lost and merged into "His desire for her." She has come to the place where she is "living in the Spirit." Now He could say to her,
"Come, My beloved, let us go forth into the field; let us lodge in the villages" (Song of Solomon 7:11).
The time had come for her to enter into the depths of God, and begin to "walk in the Spirit" with Him. She must first come to Him, before they can go forth together. A beautiful Scripture in the Psalms expresses the outworking of this process, as the Lord draws us to Himself.
Deep calls to deep at the noise of Your waterspouts: all Your waves and Your billows are gone over me.—Psalm 42:7
"Deep calls to deep." This "Deep" desire of the Lord is calling forth the "potential," which He formed within us, to enter into and experience deeper realms of communion with Him. The Lord longs for our fellowship, and He seeks to fill this created "deep" that is within us, with Himself.
"At the noise of Your waterspouts" speaks of the Lord giving His full attention to bringing us into this personal relationship with Himself. This "waterspout" is as a whirlpool that sweeps all temporal things away and leaves us with God alone. In the beginning, all this may seem as being "noise," but as we continue to walk with the Lord, it will become a song.
"All Your waves and billows are gone over me." Now, my feet can no longer touch bottom, where I once was in control and walked as I pleased. I am committed to the "depths of God" in total trust, and all control has passed to Him. Jesus has become Lord of my life, and has set before me the realm of spiritual life and fellowship that He so desires to share with me.
"Launch Out into the Deep"
And He entered into one of the ships, which was Simon's, and prayed him that he would thrust out a little from the land. And He sat down, and taught the people out of the ship. Now when He had left speaking, He said unto Simon, "Launch out into the deep..."—Luke 5:3-4
There are two different realms represented here, the "land" and the "deep." The land represents our "self-life" where we once walked as we pleased. The "ship" that He entered represents our life set apart for His purposes. Our being "thrust out a little" speaks of the preparation that is necessary to enter into the depths of God. The "deep" represents the outworking of this, where we begin to walk in the Spirit in union with Him.
As we respond to His desire for us—"Deep calling to deep," Jesus will enter our life's "ship" and push us out a short distance from the land. Here, He will teach us the principles of "living in the deeper realms of God."
As soon as these principles are established, the Lord will be able to say to us, "Now you are ready, it is time for you to begin walking in the Spirit. Launch out into the deep and let your nets down for a draught."
If you desire to go beyond your present spiritual experience, say "yes" to this desire of the Lord for you. Then, invite Him into your "ship" and allow it to be pushed away from the shore line of shallow Christian experience, and launch out into the deeper realms of divine activity with Him.
As we enter into the "depths of God" and begin to "walk in the Spirit" with Him, we will receive all that He has for us.
That I may know Him, and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being made conformable unto His death... Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus.—Philippians 3:10-12
Wade E. Taylor
Wade Taylor Ministries
Email: wade@wadetaylor.org