Tuesday, May 27, 2008
-- Kim Clement on Elijah List
Cherished Servant

[for "Cherished Servant of the Lord"]
Apple of the Father’s eyes
Cherished one don’t compromise
Keep the sweetness in your heart
Broken is a place to start
Handmaid in the Master’s realm
Rest and be not overwhelmed
You are greatest when you serve
Grace, the humble ones deserve
Dark you are but lovely still
When His Holy Spirit in you fills
New in Christ and old is gone
Righteousness you now put on
Warrior armed with servant’s heart
Covered by God’s loving arms
Wield your weapons formed of praise
Serving humbly, run the race
Cherished Servant of the Lord
Join the saints in one accord
Take heed to the Master’s call
Rise up; you can conquer all
Resolute and Absolute

[for "Resolute Covenant"]
No doubt, no fear, no worry, no tear
His promises true and oaths sincere
From age to age, His Word is clear
His covenant -- absolute -- is here
One word won't miss the promised bliss
For He is true and so is this
The God of Jacob won't dismiss
A covenant -- resolute -- is His
The Holy God who condescended
Has spoken words of life and mended
All hurt and pain in you upended
His covenant -- absolute -- to you extended
You can rely until you die
Or 'til you see Him with you eye
He'll keep His word, He cannot lie
His covenant -- resolute -- alive
So rest your case, and set your face
To Savior who abounds in grace
And when life seems a bit misplaced
His covenant -- resolute -- embrace
Now one more thing: you are a king
Called out to war and sword to swing
In Him, sing out prophetic things
And covenants -- absolute -- He brings
You're resolute, in Him arise
Your armor, weapons are supplied
The strength you need is in His eyes
His covenant -- resolute -- abides
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Francis Frangipane: "From Visitation to Habitation--the Goal of a Visitation from God is that We Become the Habitation of God"
Historians tell us that John's penetrating ministry brought nearly one million people to a baptism of repentance. It was an unprecedented beginning to a time of visitation. It was into this electrified atmosphere of awakened faith that Jesus came, bringing miracles previously unseen in Israel's history. The presence of the living God was flowing through Christ; His message was unparalleled: the Kingdom of Heaven was at hand!
Yet, for all the multitudes, miracles, signs and wonders, incredibly, Jesus lamented over the nation. He wept because, according to His view, they failed to "recognize the time of (their) visitation" (Luke 19:44).
In what way did they miss this move of God? Certainly, vast multitudes responded to John's call for repentance. Clearly, people were in awe of the supernatural: the incurable had been cured and demoniacs delivered! And, what of the multitudes that followed Jesus into the wilderness whom He fed the loaves and fishes--didn't they recognize the uniqueness of this hour?
Obviously, the crowds were very familiar with the healing, miraculous dimensions of a visitation (see Luke 4:14-19; Isaiah 61:1-2). Yet, when God comes in visitation, He is seeking two unfolding realities: to destroy the works of the devil and then build His Kingdom into the lives of the newly healed. He does not come to heal us so we can drift back into our old lives. He heals us so He can transform us into His image. Indeed, the very captives He sets at liberty He then empowers to "rebuild the ancient ruins . . . raise up the former devastations and...repair the ruined cities" (Isaiah 61:4).
To ignore or minimize this transformational goal is serious. When we are given much, much is required. You see, the word visitation not only means a time of healing; it also refers to a time of inspection, of being examined closely. God not only participates in the joy of our deliverance, He is also examining us to see if we will now respond in increasing obedience.
Our obedience actually creates a different future for us, one that is blessed. Yet, if we do not respond, there are calamities awaiting also. He tells the newly healed to "not sin anymore" lest something worse happen (John 5:14). To the delivered He warns that, if their soul remains unoccupied after having their inner lives cleansed and put in order, the "last state of that man becomes worse than the first" (Matthew 12:45).
You see, at the very moment God removes our burdens, He is also removing our excuses. Having now been freed from oppression, the Lord expects that we will put aside our differences, reconcile and unite as a heavenly community, and begin to transform our world.
A New Season of Outpouring
Over the past years, the Lord has raised up an international armada of intercessory ministries. As a result of the prayer movement, especially TheCall and other solemn assemblies, the beginnings of a visitation are emerging. Reports are coming almost weekly of supernatural manifestations and revival. Many feel we are close to a spiritual awakening.
I personally have been following the Lakeland revival on God.tv. Yes, there are minor things I might do differently, but I have been moved by the spiritual hunger of the people and also by the remarkable miracles and conversions. Most importantly, I have been touched by the attending presence of God's glory. Yet, while my heart swells with joy, I also fear. For when we cry for a holy visitation, we are crying for God's Kingdom--the very reign of God to be done on earth as it is in Heaven. My concern is, when we entreat the Almighty for His Kingdom, are we truly ready to surrender ours?
Most in first century Israel did not understand the goal of a visitation; they were blessed, touched and healed, but they did not attain God's purpose, and for them Jesus wept. Nevertheless, on Pentecost Christ's disciples did, in fact, carry the visitation to its appointed purpose: the early church became the dwelling of God on earth. The citywide church was united, committed to prayer and focused on Jesus (see Acts 3:1). Miracles were ordinary, as was extravagant giving to the poor. The early church set the standard for visitation: signs, miracles and conversions, but also Christ-centered unity among church leaders and believers alike.
If there is no functional, Christ-centered unity among the churches in your city, then let's begin by praying for the leaders. Yes, let us rejoice in the beginnings of revival. But, with sobriety, let us also keep in mind that the goal of a visitation from God is that we become the habitation of God.
Francis Frangipane
Ministries of Francis Frangipane
Email: francis1@frangipane.org
- - - - - -
ElijahList Publications
310 2nd Ave SE, Albany, OR 97321
email: info@elijahlist.net
Phone 1-541-926-3250
Protect Your Destiny

Lance in your hand, courage at heart
Vision is clear, mission to start
Saddle up, soldier; get up in gear
Armor of God will keep focus, not fear
Start from the barn; humbly begin
Shelter from storm – in God you will win
Storage of faith, of hope and of love
Now you’re released with power from above
Rise to your calling, rise to your feet
Stand on His victory and enemy’s defeat
Ride out to battle; ride out in faith
Run to your Savior, find strength as you wait
You are a guard and you are a shield
You are a guide to those crossing the fields
Called to protect the land that you own
Called to defend it from giants who roam
Ford every stream and bring them across
Lead those who follow back to the Cross
Until you find rest in God’s promised land
Encourage your brothers and lend them a hand
Protector of the land, your name prophesies
The purpose of your heart, the goal in your eyes
The Lord has granted you rest and this land
Defend those who cross it to take their own stand
Take up your spear and take up your shield
Lay down your all and all to Him yield
Your destiny beckons and now calls on you
Your God simply asking, “What will you do?”

Thursday, May 15, 2008
Al Thomas: "Many of My Children Are On a--DIVINE DETOUR"
Generally, everything seemed to be going smoothly for you. Most battles were easily won and temptations (although constant) didn't usually trip you (1 Corinthians 10:13). Then all hell broke loose. Those things that you used to handle with ease suddenly overwhelmed you and you wondered, Where did your strength go (Psalm 6:2)?
So there you are, called by God and following His plans the best you knew how, when things start to go downhill. Your spirit used to soar with enthusiasm, but now it is hard to get out of bed.
Fear not, God is preparing something new for you, but to bring it forth (here comes that word), pruning must take place (John 15:2). You didn't ask for this, but now you must fight the battle (Ephesians 6:11-12). You must bite the bullet and keep moving forward--tremendous rewards await you if you do not quit (Philippians 1:6). You decide to keep moving (Philippians 4:13). God nods His approval.
You are wrong. If God would have allowed you to keep on the same old path you were on (Proverbs 14:12), you would have missed the opportunity (and blessings) He is about to show you. Often, God forcefully detours us so we will head into the harvest He has for us (John 4:38). Sometimes, more is accomplished in the spiritual realm when He makes us wait (Isaiah 40:31) then when we are "busy" for God.
Don't panic because nothing seems to be happening. He has pushed the "divine pause button" to bring you to Him and sit in His presence, something He has been trying to get you to do for some time now (Matthew 11:28-30). Yes, you are moving, only this time He is carrying you. Yes, progress is being made, but this time He is directing it. You prayed for this long ago, so don't fight it. You now relax...as He takes over.
Actually, the opposite is true (Psalm 138:8). Because God is taking you a different way, the promise will not only come to pass, but be fulfilled on a grander scale, because you allowed God to do it His way (Psalm 18:30). Oh yes, you meant well and your heart was in the right place, but God wanted to show you "a better way."
And because you decided not to panic and take a side road to avoid His detour, God can now speak with you about His plans and not yours (Jeremiah 29:11). Now you realize that you should have taken His detour long ago, but you couldn't discern the signs. You start to thank Him for the "forced detour" that He caused, because it will bring you into deeper communion with the King (Luke 24:15). You smile.
God gave Paul a divine detour (Acts 9) and changed history. Jesus gave a few fishermen a detour and it turned their lives upside down (Matthew 4:18-19). God sent the angel Gabriel to Mary for the grandest detour of all--and because she accepted it (Luke 1:30-31), you and millions of others are now in the Kingdom of God. They and many others could have taken the "normal, beaten path," but they would not have changed history.
God's highway appears before you (Isaiah 35:8) and you need to start thanking Him for the interruption. Rejoice for the detour God has placed in front of you. Do not run from it. Many will be blessed because you said, "God, I don't recognize this path, I have never been here before, but because You say so, I will follow Your detour for me."
Remember, no one said you have to understand the detour God is making you go through...that will come later. As for now, take a deep breath, slow down and enjoy the view. Simply keep your eye on Jesus and He'll let you know which exit to get off (1 Samuel 3:10).
Al Thomas
Celebrating His Life Ministries
Email: a.thomas@myactv.net
- - - - -
ElijahList Publications
310 2nd Ave SE,
Albany, OR 97321
email: info@elijahlist.net
Phone 1-541-926-3250

In your majesty ride forth victoriously in behalf of truth, humility and righteousness; let your right hand display awesome deeds.
Proverbs 11:2
When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.
Proverbs 15:33
The fear of the LORD teaches a man wisdom, and humility comes before honor.
Proverbs 18:12
Before his downfall a man's heart is proud, but humility comes before honor.
Proverbs 22:4
Humility and the fear of the LORD bring wealth and honor and life.
Zephaniah 2:3
Seek the LORD, all you humble of the land, you who do what he commands. Seek righteousness, seek humility; perhaps you will be sheltered on the day of the LORD's anger.
Acts 20:19
Paul said: “I served the Lord with great humility and with tears, although I was severely tested by the plots of the Jews.”
Philippians 2:3-4
Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.
Colossians 3:12-13
Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.
Titus 3:1-2
Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good, to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and to show true humility toward all men.
James 3:13-14
Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth.
1 Peter 5:5
Young men, in the same way be submissive to those who are older. All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because, "God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble." Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008

[1 Chronicles 29:16-18]
“O LORD our God, as for all this abundance that we have provided for building you a temple for your Holy Name, it comes from your hand, and all of it belongs to you. I know, my God, that you test the heart and are pleased with integrity. All these things have I given willingly and with honest intent. And now I have seen with joy how willingly your people who are here have given to you. O LORD, God of our fathers Abraham, Isaac and Israel, keep this desire in the hearts of your people forever, and keep their hearts loyal to you.”
[Psalm 78:70-72]
“He chose David his servant and took him from the sheep pens; from tending the sheep he brought him to be the shepherd of his people Jacob, of Israel his inheritance. And David shepherded them with integrity of heart; with skillful hands he led them.”
[Proverbs 11:3]
“The integrity of the upright guides them, but the unfaithful are destroyed by their duplicity.”
[Proverbs 13:5-7]
“Righteousness guards the man of integrity, but wickedness overthrows the sinner.”
[Titus 2:6-8]
“Similarly, encourage the young men to be self-controlled. In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us.”
Integrity is lacking in the leadership of the church
Integrity is completing a job even when no one is looking
Integrity is keeping your word even when no one checks on you
Integrity is the absence of duplicity
Integrity is the opposite of hypocrisy
Integrity is doing what you say you’d do
Integrity is doing your best to be what you declare
Integrity includes financial accountability
Integrity is personal reliability
Integrity is being an asset, not an ass
Integrity is private purity and purity of motives
Integrity is not manipulation
Integrity is not prone to arrogance or self-praise
Integrity invites constructive and necessary criticism because it applauds accountability
Integrity is sound, solid, complete and is an unimpaired condition
Integrity will not crumble when it stands alone and when the pressure mounts
Integrity will not fear scrutiny under the light of examination
Integrity has the guts to tell the truth and be honest
Integrity will quote the source, instead of plagiarizing
Integrity is not sinless perfection
Integrity quickly acknowledges failure without hiding the wrong
Integrity is essential everywhere
Integrity is a lasting legacy one can leave behind
Integrity has the guts to do what is right
Integrity is knowing one limitation, strengths and weaknesses, and is willing to admit it
Integrity pleases God
Monday, May 12, 2008
Rise of the Prophets
prophetic word released by Jill Austin
over at the ElijahList website
Master Potter Ministries
Email: info@masterpotter.com
Victoria Boyson: "Prisoners of HOPE--What Feels like a Prison Cell to You, God Sees as a FORTRESS"
There are times during the birth of your destiny that you feel as though you would like to give up hope, but God will not let you. It feels as though you are held captive by hope.
"Return to your fortress, O prisoners of hope..." Zechariah 9:12
There are times during the development of your dream when your hope seems to have turned into a prison. You cannot make your dreams come true, and you find it impossible to stop believing in them. You cannot go forward any faster than God will let you, and you cannot return to where you once were before you became pregnant with the promise from God. God will not let you give up! During this time you might feel like saying, "Okay, God, this is enough! I don't want to hope anymore! I am tired of being pregnant with this promise! I want out of this prison of hope!"
It is during this time that your dreams feel so real to you, yet to others they are not. The conflict between what you feel in the Spirit and what is evident in the natural grates at your soul. You feel much like you are on a Ferris wheel. You have your up times when you can see your dream's fulfillment far into the future, but you also have your down time when you cannot see anything. You think to yourself, "Am I crazy to think that God could use me?" The enemy comes in like a flood and you begin to doubt, causing anguish to your soul. This is the time when God is doing His greatest work in you.
It is Because He Loves You
You feel as though you are ready for your destiny, but once again God directs you back to the refinery for more tweaking. Oh how weary you are of the awful refinery and that seemingly endless tweaking. "Okay, God, You can stop now," you scream. But He does not stop. You are caught in a prison of hope and He will not let you out until He is finished with what He began in you.
It is like a child who has a sliver. They do not like the pain the sliver causes them, but they hate the misery of having that sliver taken out. Getting the sliver out is important, but they do not necessarily understand that. Even if they did, it is hard to keep still while it is being pulled out. Well, we all have spiritual slivers that we need God to take out, and sometimes it really hurts, especially when the sliver is way down deep in your heart.
This is when the refining process REALLY hurts, because He is getting down to the very core of your soul, to the deep regions of your heart. He is developing things in you that you did not even know that you lacked; things you did not even know that you needed. You think, "Okay, God, this is deep enough." But every builder knows you must dig down deep to lay a proper foundation first, before you start to build upward. And the greater the height of the structure, the deeper the foundation must be.
It is because God loves us that He will not allow us to enter our destiny until our foundation is secure. If He has held you back and you feel like a prisoner, He has done it out of love for you. He does not want to see all that He has worked to build in you crumble, because He did not take the time to develop a sure foundation. He loves you that much!
Even though it hurts you, He needs to hold you in the prison cell of hope until it is safe for you to come out. Even though you are sick and tired of hoping, of believing, of waiting; He will still make you hope, believe and wait even longer. And this can be the hardest thing He has asked you to do yet. But when you feel like giving up, but continue to carry on, you begin to sense a strength rising in you that you did not know you possessed. And really you did not possess it previously, because it was your reward for enduring this painful process. It is a gift from God that the enemy cannot take away from you, because you have earned it.
Held Captive by Hope
In the word of God we can find many people who have been held captive by hope. For examples, there are Moses, Joseph, and Abraham. But I think my favorite is David. It is his honesty in the face of misery that attracts me to him.
God had promised David the Kingdom of Israel, and Samuel had anointed him for it (1 Samuel 16:13). But after he had been anointed as king of all Israel he had to go back to tending the sheep. It was many years before the promise ever came to pass for David, and he spent many of those years being chased by the man whose throne he would inherit. I am sure he never dreamed, back in the pasture on his father's farm, that he would have to hide out in caves or that he would pretend to be a crazy man in order to save his life. After all, God said he was going to be a king. A king does not have to do things like that does he?
In Psalm 119:82, David cries out to God in song and says, "My eyes fail, looking for Your promise." I can relate to that. It feels sometimes as though the promise will never be fulfilled. But in fact, it was fulfilled for David and it will be for you too, if you do not give up.
Hopeless, No. Helpless, Yes!
Do you feel sometimes as though you are hopeless? Well, you are not without hope; you are not hopeless, but helpless. God has put you in a position of helplessness or complete dependency on Him and you are helpless to help yourself. You struggle to gain back some measure of control over your life. But your pride (that you did not even know that you had) is being crushed, and the only thing for you to do is to surrender. You may feel hopeless, but really it is the condition of helplessness that is causing you pain. God wants you completely dependent on Him, and He will keep you a prisoner of hope until you are.
Return to Your Fortress
Your fortress is trusting in a loving God. Trusting Him in spite of all the reasoning of your mind; in spite of the circumstances that surround you. You were content to give God control of your life until He decided to do something with your life you did not like. You were happy to surrender all to Him, until He decided to give your promotion to someone else. You believe in His sovereignty, until His sovereign will conflicts with your will. Then you are sure He has made a mistake. You want to run from Him, but He is your refuge.
How do you run from your refuge? How do you run from the only One who really loves you or understands you? The answer is...you don't. So, return, my friend, to your fortress and remain a prisoner until He is done with you; until He decides you are ready for all that He has for you.
What now feels like a prison cell to you, God sees as a fortress. And of course He is right. He loves you and if you give Him control of your life He will guard it for you. Perhaps what feels to you like a prison cell, may really be your place of safety and protection. David did not like being in a cave, but it saved him from King Saul. You may not like the circumstances you are in now, but do not run from it. It may be what is saving your life!
Double for Your Trouble
The second half of Zechariah 9:12 gives us the answer we are looking for. Why are we going through what we are going through? It says, "Return to your fortress, O prisoners of hope; even now I announce that I will restore twice as much to you."
God says, "Even now I announce to you that not only will I restore to you all that has been taken from you, but I will give you double for all the trouble you have endured." He says, "Don't stop now...keep trusting Me, because I can see your future and it is very blessed. Keep walking with Me and keep trusting in Me and I will give you rest."
"Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28). When we have learned to "rest" in God in the midst of our storm, God is mightily blessed. Because it proves to Him that we trust in His goodness no matter what our circumstances are. It pleases Him very much when we trust in Him, and when He is pleased He will burst forth blessings from Heaven. He just cannot help Himself, He loves to bless those who trust in His goodness.
He, as He did for Israel in Zechariah 9:12, will stand up and announce to all that He is proud of you and intends to restore double to you for your continued trust in Him through all you have endured. And this is the beginning of your dreams coming true. Enjoy it, friend, because you have waded through the river of adversity and your heavenly Father is proud of you.
Return to your fortress, O prisoners of hope...
Victoria Boyson
Speaking Life Ministries
Email: victoria@boyson.org
Friday, May 9, 2008
Ruler. Warrior. Winner.

[for "Precious and Powerful Ruler of His Territory]
Rule your home as your name prophesies
Do everything that pleases God’s eyes
Rise above and declare there is more
Raise up your family and train them for war
Rule your land as the Lord called you to
So much more in the spirit you can do
Slay those giants with your harp and lyre
Play your songs and call down the fire
Rule your territory; boast in the Lord
Powerful you are with His double-edged sword
Rich in the spirit, abundant in love
Usher the harvest and seasons from above
Rule your self; let your inner man say
“God is the strength of my heart every day!”
Priceless to God, you are His precious child
Warrior in Christ, in your warfare go wild
Rule with the Lord in heavenly places
Brandish your scepter where Satan’s face is
Now is the time and this is the season
You are equipped and God is your reason
Go forth now, powerful ruler, and lead
God has given you all that you need
To claim your territory and much more
Arise, great warrior, and win this war

Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Tiffany Ann Lewis: "And the Lord Remembered"
Are you feeling like your promise is always just around the corner and never in your hand? You have received words upon words, promises upon promises from the Lord and you know that fulfillment is just around the corner, yet it seems like your corner never comes. I guess at a subconscious level I was feeling this way, so the Lord woke me up one morning with these encouraging words, "And the Lord remembered."
The first time we see this phrase in the Bible is in Genesis 8:1 as Noah and the crew were enclosed in the ark for the duration of the flood. As the waters prevailed on the earth, the ark was tossed to and fro in the storm. Day after day they waited for the land to be dry again. Talk about something that seems to be just around the corner.
"Then God remembered..." Genesis 8:1
This does not imply that God forgot; rather, it announces that the fulfillment of His promise is finally at hand. In Hebrew, the word for remembered is Zakar (Strong's Concordance # 2142). It is a verb, an action word, meaning to recall something, to remember, to call it to mind. God remembered the previous commitment He had given to Noah. It was now time for Him to activate the promise He made. God was about to act on His word.
Notice the Scripture reference, 8:1. Eight is the number of new beginnings; Noah and the crew were on the threshold of a new beginning. The rains have ceased and the storm is over. The ark has come to rest and the waters are beginning to subside and it looks as though the corner is finally here and their promise is at hand. But wait, there is still more waiting. At the end of forty more days, Noah opened the window and sent out a raven and a dove (Genesis 8:6-8). The raven just kept flying back and forth on its own, but the dove returned to the ark because there was no other resting place for her feet. This signaled to Noah that it was not yet time to leave the safety of the ark.
Beloved, often when it feels as though we are "stuck in our ark" God is really keeping us enclosed to protect us from something. Wisely, Noah waited seven more days before sending the dove out for the second time (verse 10). This time she came back with a freshly picked olive leaf in her mouth, signaling the corner was really just around the corner, but Noah waited yet another seven days before sending the dove out for the third time (verse 12). The dove didn't return this time, yet still Noah waited until he heard the Lord speak and give the command to leave the ark (verse 15). The dove and the raven have symbolic importance here. If we follow the raven's example, we will fly around and around, never finding rest for our weary soul. However, the dove, which is symbolic of the Holy Spirit, will guide us and lead us into all truth as we wait on Him. (See John 16:13.)
God Helps Us Wait
The problem that arises during the waiting process is that our minds begin to wander, and we can drift through the doorway of doubt. Even if you are a seasoned Christian, it does not mean that you are immune to the devil's schemes. We may not even realize it, but in these moments of vulnerability the devil gets in there and says, "Has God indeed said _____???" (Genesis 3:1b) Fill in the blank yourself. What has God said to you? We can become disappointed as we wait on and on and it looks as though God is not going to come through. We may even begin to wonder if we heard Him correctly in the first place.
Disappointments are painful and they can trigger negative emotions like doubt, worry and fear. Doubt--"Nothing good ever happens to me." Worry--"What if my corner never comes?" Fear--"Did God forget me?" These feelings only become magnified as we witness others coming into their promises while we wait on. In our conscious mind we know God is faithful, but some place deep in our subconscious a wave of doubt might be stirring. These thoughts act like an undertow pulling us out into the sea of uncertainty as we wonder if we'll ever come upon dry land again.
The Bible does not tell us that Noah experienced any of these feelings, but the reality is that most of us do. Maybe today you are feeling a bit discouraged in the waiting. I know I was, and that is why the Lord spoke to me in a dream and a vision. God encourages us along the way--just look at Noah. He had a lot of waiting to go through--we all do--but each step of the way God sent him encouragement. The rains did come to an end, the waters did subside, and the dove did return with an olive branch. God helps us wait! I needed to be encouraged desperately; I was buying the lies that the devil was telling me. I was growing weary and doubting if the corner would ever come when, suddenly, the Lord took me firmly by the shoulders and said, "Tiffany Ann, be still!! ...and know that I am God."
Quoting myself from February's Monthly Manna 2008, "It takes tremendous faith to 'be still, and know that I am God'" (Psalm 46:10). It takes a faith we don't possess to be still in the midst of the storm and remain convinced that He has not forgotten us or the promise He made. These storms come in many different forms such as financial hardships, sickness, regret, failure and even death. "O death, where is thy sting?" (1 Corinthians 15:55). O yes, there is life after death, hallelujah, but meanwhile there is a life to live, and the burning sting of disappointment can throw us way off course.
It's okay to feel hurt and disappointed; we just can't let those feelings cause us to fly around and around like the raven, or else we'll be exhausted both physically and spiritually. If Jesus had not held me still that day, I would have remained discouraged, doubtful, and worse--I would have remained, spiritually, right where I was and not move forward into my destiny.
God Cannot Escape His Faithfulness--He Gave His Word
I believe the Lord is trying to bring us to the place where we can wait without worry, a type of faith place where we won't wrestle with our thoughts and emotions all the time. A place of peace where we can fly as the dove did above the floodwaters that are in our lives and find rest as we wait in Him, our Ark. This waiting is what will bring us to the threshold of our Genesis 8:1, "Then God remembered..." It's our new beginning where we will see the fulfilled promises of God manifested.
Beloved, the promises of God are received in one place, the Promised Land, and it's our heart-convinced faith that will bring us there. It is shocking when we realize in Hebrews 3:19 that many did not enter into the Promised Land because of their unbelief. Can you see why Jesus addresses this issue with His disciples over and over again? The disciples were the believers, yet Jesus is addressing their beliefs, or rather their lack of them. Can you see why He told Peter He was going to pray for his faith? Can you see why He invited Thomas to touch His hands and side? Can you see why He would give me a dream and vision?
He is encouraging us, building up our faith. Beloved, God wants us to trust Him and take Him at His word so we can enter in. The devil's taunting words of, "Has God said?" should never have power over us as believers! God cannot escape His faithfulness; He is moved by His very character to fulfill all His promises. He gave His Word!
"God is not a man, that He should lie." Numbers 23:19
Maybe you are waiting on the promise of a restored relationship, health, happiness, peace, joy, love, or financial prosperity. These aren't Christian fairy tales; these are part of the abundant life that Jesus said He came to give. God is faithful. Maybe God told you to write a book, sing a song, start a church, feed the hungry or visit the lonely, yet every step you take forward the devil pushes you back two with that same old phrase, "Has God indeed said?" We can't let it distract us one more time from who we are and who God called us to be. We must not give up. It's in the waiting that we will see God's promises fulfilled. We are on the threshold; the corner really is just around the corner.
Beloved, never forget, God always remembers and He will complete His destiny in your life. Amen!
"But those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31
Tiffany Ann Lewis
Dancing with the Flame of the Lord Ministries
Email: tiffanyann@tiffanyannlewis.com
ElijahList Publications
310 2nd Ave SE,
Albany, OR 97321
email: info@elijahlist.net
Phone 1-541-926-3250
Kathie Walters: The Almond Tree Challenge--God is Asking: "WHAT DO YOU SEE?"
What Do You See?
I have a question for you today--I believe it's a question God is asking you. God actually asked Jeremiah this same question I am going to ask you. Ready?
First, a little background. Remember that at the beginning of Jeremiah's ministry, he didn't exactly have a great established ministry. I mean, he wasn't running around Israel speaking at big conferences and doing seminars. He was a kid, really. Well, a teenager, anyway.
When God first talked to Jeremiah about his calling to preach, He said, "Jeremiah, you know I called you before you were born and ordained you to be a prophet to the nations." Well, Jeremiah freaked out. He heard this before--after all, his dad was a preacher. But, you know, in your mind it's always, "Sometime down the road, when I am more mature."
Jeremiah answered the Lord and said, "You've got to be kidding. I'm just a kid, don't ask me. I can't do anything." Now, I know this is the Walters Translation, but go read it--that's what it says. If you want the King James Version, Jeremiah said, "Then said I, 'Ah, Lord God! behold, I cannot speak: for I am a child'" (Jeremiah 1:6). But, you know people didn't speak in King James English then, just like we don't do that today.
God ignored Jeremiah's vision of himself as a useless kid. He said, "Don't say that, because I have put My word in your mouth." Then God gave him a pretty heavy-duty commission right there. Did He say, "Now, Jeremiah, go off to Bible school and study hard. One day you will mature enough to qualify to be used in the ministry"? No, no! Out of the blue, God said to the teenager, "Oh yes, I've called you to go to the nations; in fact, I've set you OVER nations and OVER kingdoms" (kingdoms usually include several or many countries). "You can pull down and uproot stuff and all kinds of powerful things." He told Jeremiah not to be afraid of their faces; He said, "I'll be there for you." When it says the face (or eyes) are a mirror of the soul, let me tell you, it really is.
Without even stopping to ask if Jeremiah was okay about it all, God suddenly said, "Well, what do you see, Jeremiah?" Jeremiah's dad was a priest, so he was used to God stuff--but not at that moment. God said, "What do you see, Jeremiah?" Jeremiah had to get into faith, quick. That is, you have to see by faith. Young Jeremiah had a vision, "I see a rod of an almond tree."
Aaron's rod was made from the branch of an almond tree, and in Hebrew it means "an awakening one." Jeremiah was seeing his destiny in his faith (but he didn't realize it yet). He was called to be an "awakening one." God told him to prophesy and challenge the people of Israel about their calling and destiny. God told him to go and wake them up. Personally, I would have asked God to send someone else and pleaded ignorance. Well, he tried that anyway--but it didn't work.
You know what? Often people don't like to be woken up. Not too many people are woken out of a slumber and get up in a good mood. You are mostly unhappy with the cause of the "awakening." "An Awakening One" was a good name for Jeremiah. "Mr. Popularity" wasn't exactly a good description of him.
So then...this is my question from the Lord to you: "What do you see?" I am not talking about the natural realm.
Take some time to chill out--take a break, go out for a nice meal, relax, take a couple of days--then go sit at the feet of Jesus. "Snuggle, don't struggle," is one of my favorite sayings, or, "Nestle, don't wrestle." Then get into rest and ask the Holy Spirit to show you what He sees for YOU. Not for your town. Not for your church. Not even for your husband or wife right now--but for you personally. Your vision has to start with you, doesn't it? If you don't have a real vision for yourself, then you won't be able to believe with someone else for their vision.
The Thing About Vision
Do you remember those old TV sets? They had a tube, and when they got old, the tube would start to go. Do you remember what happened when the tube was going out? The picture would gradually get smaller and smaller. No one wanted to buy a new tube because it was expensive, so you waited until the last minute. You were leaning over sideways to see the wide but shrunken picture.
So what are you seeing? Most people are seeing a shrunken picture. My husband, David, says, "Most Christians aim at nothing and hit it." You can only aim at what you see. If you see a small call or a small destiny or a small vision, that's all you will aim for.
My challenge for you is this: See what God sees for YOU. He has a great vision--He has a big vision! We see our town, our family, our little place in the grand scheme of things. But God sees nations, God sees a place without walls. God has no limitations in His vision. He sees no limits for you--you can have what you believe and you can believe what you see--IF you can see by faith. You have God's faith in you--believe it! Because "...to every man is given the measure of faith" (Romans 12:3).
What Is Your Adventure?
The Bible says that the will of God is delightful, "I delight to do Thy will, Oh my God" (Psalm 40:8).
God puts His desires in your heart. In other words, He puts His desires in your heart so that when you do according to your heart, it's delightful, it's wonderful, it's full of adventure and it's full of God. All you have to do is allow the Holy Spirit to show you what He sees for YOU. You have a wonderful, awesome, big and great destiny to fulfill.
If you are doing something tonight in the way of serving God and it's not delightful, forget it--it's just works. And, sorry to say, God is not interested in your works, He's interested in His works. He is not going to anoint your works, He anoints His works. The glory of God will never come on what you do--the glory comes on what He does. It's not trying, it's yielding to the anointing.
Isn't it easier to yield rather than to try and strive and work at it? Trying can be very trying. God is not running around your city trying to recruit workers for the Kingdom, He is just wanting His sons and daughters to rise up and be who He called them to be. You're not a sinner saved by grace--you were a sinner saved by grace, but now you are a son or a daughter of Almighty God. You are royalty of the Royalty, an heir of righteousness and an heir of the Kingdom. You don't have to earn it, you can't qualify for it--Jesus gave you this inheritance, freely. He paid for it 100% when He died and rose again.
But First, Enjoy Him
I nearly forgot to remind you--your first calling is to enjoy God. He called you to first enjoy Him. Don't go out and serve Him unless you enjoy Him. Do you know Jesus is in love with you? He totally adores you--He doesn't just tolerate you. He made you of His divine nature--eternity is in you. He has given you His power and righteousness and clothed you with the beautiful garments of Salvation.
This is a new and living way--walk in it and begin to see what HE sees for YOU.
Kathie Walters
Good News Ministries
Email: kathiewalters@mindspring.com
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
His Promise To Me
30 He is a shield
for all who take refuge in him.
31 For who is God besides the LORD ?
And who is the Rock except our God?
32 It is God who arms me with strength
and makes my way perfect.
33 He makes my feet like the feet of a deer;
he enables me to stand on the heights.
34 He trains my hands for battle;
my arms can bend a bow of bronze.
35 You give me your shield of victory,
and your right hand sustains me;
you stoop down to make me great.
36 You broaden the path beneath me,
so that my ankles do not turn.
37 I pursued my enemies and overtook them;
I did not turn back till they were destroyed.
38 I crushed them so that they could not rise;
they fell beneath my feet.
39 You armed me with strength for battle;
you made my adversaries bow at my feet.
40 You made my enemies turn their backs in flight,
and I destroyed my foes.
41 They cried for help, but there was no one to save them—
to the LORD, but he did not answer.
42 I beat them as fine as dust borne on the wind;
I poured them out like mud in the streets.
43 You have delivered me from the attacks of the people;
you have made me the head of nations;
people I did not know are subject to me.
44 As soon as they hear me, they obey me;
foreigners cringe before me.
45 They all lose heart;
they come trembling from their strongholds.
46 The LORD lives! Praise be to my Rock!
Exalted be God my Savior!
47 He is the God who avenges me,
who subdues nations under me,
48 who saves me from my enemies.
You exalted me above my foes;
from violent men you rescued me.
49 Therefore I will praise you among the nations, O LORD;
I will sing praises to your name.
50 He gives his king great victories;
he shows unfailing kindness to his anointed,
to David and his descendants forever.
Monday, May 5, 2008

Lord, I cry out for love in behalf of this generation, for I long to see this generation rise up in purity and righteousness; for they will only fulfill that by Your grace and Your love.
Lord, send me. I totally submit to You as my Chief Commander. Send me out and give me no rest until I see this generation up and doing Your will, bringing us into and living out Your Kingdom as daily life and bread.
I won't allow myself to see this generation come to pass without you moving in the lives of my fellow batch mates and the next generation, for I am willing to die to see this generation live by Your Name and Your Name alone.
Lord, I just cry for holiness! I give up my all as long as I am still in Your will, and I will love you even if You reprimand me. I will die if you remove your presence from me – I will die if I lose Your presence. I will do anything just to seek You and Your glory.
Lord, I know I will be tested and I know that I will pass the test for Jesus already passed the test. So, Lord, I ask for Your grace and Your love in my life that I will fulfill Your purpose in my life. I am willing to die empty as long as all I have will be passed on to the next generation. As I give up all that I have I will be filled only by You and You alone.
I just say "Hallelujah" as I submit to You and let You reign in my life.
from a nameless, faceless prophet
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Conqueror of Shores

[for "Youthful Child of the Father"]
Conquer the beach – it is within your reach
No, not by your might but by your Father’s light
Go before the rest, there will be a test
But you will surely pass, for none of this will last
You are child of the King – it’s a guarantee you will win
It is prophesied by your name, know that you will never be the same
The Father calls you son, youthful and dear one
His love and grace abound, along with power and mind sound
Forerunner, run the race; set your foot on the enemy’s face
Conquer the land and expand the Master’s Kingdom at hand
Set example to your generation; make disciples of the nations
Beachhead in the realm of the spirit; sound the alarm so they can hear it
Conqueror of shores, you’re a conqueror of more
God is your Father, He will propel you farther
His grace will sustain, prophesied by your name
Rise up, set your foot strong; you’re a warrior, to God you belong