I started the first few hours of 2008 in prayer and received revelations from the Lord. One of these revelations, which became clearer to me as the days passed, was my assigment to encourage and pray for young men, beginning with the four teenagers in my congregation the Lord showed me while in prayer.
In the weeks that followed since that commission, God has been giving me prophetic words for the Four and He's been showing me who they are in the Spirit. One of the things the Lord told me about them is that they are great men of God. I really believe the Lord is leading me to guide these young men and just cover them in prayer. It's not an easy task.
As I continue to entrust them to the Lord, He keeps giving me nuggets about each young man's spiritual identity. God would give me words like "integrity", "obedience", "victorious" and "intensity" to describe each of the Four. I get the feeling that I'm unequal to the task but I guess that's a good thing -- it proves that this is not me and that this is a God thing.
I also believe that I am to reinforce and remind these guys of their spiritual identities. Aside from including them in my prayers, the Lord has also given me prophetic words for them through poetry.
This is something that really is new to me and I am in over my head on this one. But I have heard the call to "watch over" these guys for this season and I know that since it was God who called, He will be the one to enable.
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"Father, use me to bless the Four. I am a vessel of Your grace and You know what is best. Lead me and use me, Holy Spirit, in this assignment."