Monday, July 13, 2009

The Way is Narrow.

Dear Passionate Ones:

I bless you and thank God for you. Recently at Early Morning Prayer I began to prophesy about a very narrow way coming for us. When Norma Sarvis listened to the prayer time in Israel, she was amazed. She wrote the following:

"In traditional Judaism the time period between the 17th of Tammuz and the 9th of Av is called 'bein ha Metzarim' which is translated between the narrow places or dire straits. It comes from Lamentations 1:3: 'Amidst affliction and harsh labor, Judah has gone into exile. She dwells among the nations; she finds no resting place. All who pursue her have overtaken her IN THE MIDST OF HER DISTRESS.'

"This phrase IN THE MIDST OF HER DISTRESS can also be translated "between the straits or narrow places." It is traditionally a 3-week mourning period in Judaism commemorating the breaching of the walls of Jerusalem on the 17th of Tammuz and the destruction of the Temple on the 9th of Av. It is a time of mourning with no weddings occurring during this season along with other mourning traditions.

As I was praying this morning for the word which came forth on Tuesday morning (about walking in the narrow places so we can go higher), I realized that the 17th of Tammuz begins July 9, and that even in Judaism it is a 'narrow' place. We must watch that there are no breaches in our walls during this season. We must walk in faith and not in fear and grief. But just be aware of the narrow place and God's goodness in the narrow place."

A New Corridor is Forming

Here is a portion of the revelation that came forth prophetically on Tuesday morning. We could hear the Lord saying:

"A new corridor is forming and I will narrow your way. You must narrow your desires. I am sanctifying desires and narrowing the corridor through which you will walk. You are entering into new alignments and assignments, and coming into a place that will bring you forth into a realm you have not known. You will come from a dark place into light, but the corridor that you have been in is beginning to narrow—to push you through into the new.

"This is the day of 'My Gideon's call.' There is a clarion, Gideon call being released into the earth. It is urgent for My Gideon call to be heard. There is a call coming now into the earth realm to separate the desires of My people. My people's desires have been muddled with their own desires. In the next 3 months, I will begin to separate the desires of My people so that they can follow Me.

"You started out with My desire to get to a new place, but your desires from the past season are coming up and you are being muddled in the call I am extending to you. You must separate your desires, beginning now, so that I draw you out and into that place."

A Narrowing Time

"The teams and troops that I have will be narrowed down, for this will be a narrowing time. The corridor is narrowing in the midst of this sound. Listen! Listen carefully, for this clarion call is now being extended and it will look like the days of Gideon. The anointing I will release will be a Gideon anointing that will overtake the Midianites that have robbed in the past seven years and stolen at the time of harvest.

"Know that there is a great separation that must take place to overthrow the enemy ahead who has been coming in and taking away at an opportune time. I must rearrange My people's call so that their opportunity will be seen in a different way. Hear, today, the clarion call and know that it is a Gideon time upon My people.

"Heed the call and rise up today and enter in through the corridor that is a narrow way. Many things will fall to the left and to the right and even your body will change to get you through these next three months so that you break into that place that I have for you."

To Those of African Descent:

"I brought you from the shores of Africa into this land to cause you to rise up at this time. But now I say to the Africans that are in this land: I will cause you to hear the call of this land that I brought you to. You have been longing to go back to father's land and recoup that loss and that fragment and that bitter hole that has been in you. Now your call will come from this land. You will rise up and begin to move in a way. You won't move in a political realm like you thought, but you will move from a heavenly realm that I have been waiting to extend to you."

To Those From Spain Who Have Spanish Descent:

"Your call will rise up now. I meant for you to explore the things of the Spirit in this land so an exploration would begin in you. Therefore, the adventure that is deep within you will now awaken in a new way. The prophetic call and passion in you will intermingle and produce a new favor. I will cause the worship leadership gift in you to arise and lead My people."

Chuck D. Pierce
Glory of Zion International Ministries

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