Friday, June 12, 2009

In Every Season, Things Will Be Alright

Chuck D. PierceChuck Pierce: "It Will Be Alright"

"Times might be dark but I say, 'It will be alright!' You have eyes to see light, so it will be alright! You have been up and down and all around because I am stretching you to use you in a new way. Even though your emotions have been ruling you, hear the sound of Heaven. I am stretching out the emotional structure that has been ruling you in the past so I can use you in days ahead.
"I have a larger bow to string you on, so I have needed to allow stretching times to occur. You will be MY bowstring that shoots forth in days ahead. You will hold the arrow and withstand the stress of the seven years ahead because you endured the stretching this year. This stretching will come to an end, and though you've been unstrung, watch Me string you again.

"Come up higher! I have a place of sacrifice that you have not known. Come up to My throne and you will rule the thrones that have been rising around you and contending for the blessings that are yours.

"There is a rumbling in the earth and there is an eruption on the way. Watch the eruptions that come forth. I have held up much in the past seasons, but there is an eruption that is brewing. Many things in the government will erupt and blow up now. Many structures are vying and contending in the earth, but I tell you I can go to the core of things. I can go deeper than any other structure to shake the depth of an issue. I am going to blow some things fully loose and into a new place.

"What you have seen in California is going to cause an eruption in this nation. I am allowing My covenant to be tested in this land. In the midst of My covenant tests, watch the lands that realign. Lands and peoples that resist My covenant plan will have an eruption and shake!"

Chuck D. Pierce
Glory of Zion International Ministries

Cindy Trimm: "What God is Saying to Us Now"

Cindy TrimmWe are living in a prophetic hour where I believe the earth is groaning and travailing for the real sons of God to stand up according to Romans 8:22: "For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now."

God is birthing you out on purpose into purpose. It is my prayer that in this season you will be able to find your purpose and prophetic coordinates. Ecclesiastes 3:1 states, "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the Heaven." In the natural there are four seasons, but in the supernatural there are five. Since every season was created by God all seasons are good.

The Winter Season

Winter: This is a prophetic season when God gives inspirational thoughts, visions and dreams. This is the season when you should drive your spiritual roots deep through prayer, meditation, worship and praise. This is also a season of rest from the old season and preparation for the next seasons.

I pray that your visions will be solidified and your roots will go deep. If this is the current season you are in, I pray that you will reflect on the past, adjust, and prepare yourself to move on to all God has in store for you. This is a season you will be enrolled into the School of the Holy Spirit.

The Spring Season

Spring Season: This is a season of seedtime: plowing, planting and cultivating your seeds (ideas, visions, financial, relational, ministerial investments, etc.). Make certain you get enough seed in good ground. In this season you will have to fight the enemies of prosperity, and de-weed the fields you are cultivating. You will also have to war against the spirit of abortion designed to prevent purpose in your life from being realized. This is the season for seed-time.

The Summer Season

Summer Season: This is a time of favor; it is a time of birthing, harvesting, sweating, labor and great exposure. Do not fear in this season; do not look to the right or the left, but make up in your mind to PUSH. Push through doubt, push through ill-spoken words, push through the unseen, push through trials, you have to PUSH!

Proverbs 6:6-11 gives us an invaluable lesson on the ant and reminds us that the ant stores up for the winter months in the summer and beginning of fall.

The Fall Season

Fall Season: This is a time when you need grace; you may become discouraged as there will appear to be a reduction of resources. This is a season of clearing away, purging, and getting rid of some things; a season of great sacrifice; a season where you will be required to give up your "Isaac." It is a season for a Job experience—but, I am happy to announce that you will come out and you will come out with more—double.

Due Season

Due Season: This is the season when the harvest from seeds that have been planted in other seasons will be payable on demand! This is a season of decreeing and declaring! A time when you will be synchronized and syncopated to the prophetic will of God. May the anointing of the Sons of Issachar descend upon you this day, empowering you to accurately determine and walk in the timing and season of the Lord.

"Be not weary in well doing, for in due season, you shall reap if you faint not"—Galatians 6:9


Dr. Cindy Trimm
Cindy Trimm International


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From the Elijah List website.

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